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Four Seasons Breeze January 2019

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FOUR SEASONS BREEZE | JANUARY 2019 5 HOLIDAY LIGHTS The holiday lights in the community were fantastic! I hope everyone had a chance to drive around and see the cheer. If not, you still have until Jan. 15 to do so as that is when all holiday decorations and lights need to be down. DUES INCREASE The new assessments increases take effect Jan. 1. The full budget packet was mailed at the end of November. To register online to pay your dues go to If you have any questions or problems, please call me. RULE CHANGES There are two sets of proposed additions to the Community Guidelines. The first involves rules and forms for any future off leash area. The second set involves rules regarding new California Civil Code 4515 and protects the association from potential abuse. There are downloadable copies online and printed copies at The Lodge. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT By Eric Zarr Happy New Year! I hope you and your family had a joyous holiday season.

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