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Hemet Herald January 2019

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"With each sunrise we are given a chance for a new beginning!" Ralph Waldo Emerson said: "Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year." Happy New Year! And here we are slipping into another year with all the promises of good things ahead. We, in Team Sunshine, are revitalized and are ready to continue our service to this wonderful community. Our two co-chairs prefer other team members highlighted in our input to the Herald. They protest too much. So, with that said, we share Margie Culton and Brenda Beers: Margie and Brenda have been working together for about a year and a half now. The talents of both are focused on serving the Four Seasons community with a continuing concern of "how can we do this better?" They are excited about 2019 and what new ideas will enhance Team Sunshine's efforts. If you don't know about us, please pick up a Caring Connection card at the Lodge front desk. We have been around for a long time but there are new folks who may not know us. Celebrations of Life/Memorials: There were a number of families in Four Seasons who have suffered loss recently. We have learned that Steve Wieman, Barbro Evans and Henry Duronslet have passed over the last month or so. We are saddened by these losses as well and extend our sympathy to these three families. There may be others in the community who have lost loved ones. We are not always aware of these losses but our sincerest sympathies go out to those in the community who are mourning the loss of a loved one. Programs: Our Jan. 10 program, scheduled for 3 pm, is a presentation by John Harsany, MD. He will speak on "Comprehensive Care of Opioid, Alcohol, and Nicotine Use Disorders and the Impact on Senior Health." Please plan to join us. Team Sunshine "Needs" Information: Please fill out a *NEEDS* Form at the Lodge front desk if you know of someone who has recently lost a loved one. This form can also be used for various kinds of needs assistance. In case you prefer not to call but would like us to know of a need, this form will record your concern and will be passed on to the appropriate Team Sunshiner. Medical Equipment: We do have donated/used medical equipment that we deliver and pick up from residents. Residents who request medical equipment are required to sign a waiver form. Return of medical equipment is requested by contacting Jeanne Lincoln (765-7112). Many thanks for your cooperation. Our Prayer Warriors: Marietta Ruppaner conducts a prayer circle once a month to pray for our residents in need. All are welcome to attend the prayer circle. Just give Marietta a call and she'll give you the date, time and place. Also, if you have a prayer request, get in touch with Marietta or place your prayer request in the Prayer Box in the MPR. We are thankful for the service they give to our community. Closing Thoughts: "My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style." ~ Maya Angelou Team Sunshine 22 | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | JANUARY 2019 |

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