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Four Seasons Hemet Herald February 2019

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30 | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | FEBRUARY 2019 | From the President – Tom Moore: We're well over a month into 2019, and by now we should all be taking advantage of the new rules which took effect this year. Most of the changes are intended to speed up the game, and they appear to be helping… This month features our annual "President's Cup Tournament." This is a single elimination, match-play format, with four rounds to determine our President's Cup champion in each flight. Once again, this year Kati Biszantz has graciously offered to share a few golf tips with us: "As an Instructor I see students get way too wrapped up in the mechanics of the swing rather than what it takes to play the game. One of the most basic points to consider is club selection - know how far you hit each club. Use a scope or walk off 10 of your good 7 iron shots and take an average. Figure 10 yards between clubs on average. So, if your 7 iron goes 140 yards, your 6 iron should go 150, etc. Resolve this year to put time into learning more than just the swing and remember, when your shot must carry over a water hazard, you can either hit one more club or two more balls." Kati Biszantz is an LPGA Class A Instructor at Hemet GC & Rancho California GC. She can be reached at (951) 304-0442. Until next month: After a particularly poor game of golf, a popular club member skipped the Clubhouse and started to go home. As he was walking to the parking lot to get his car, a policeman stopped him and asked, "Did you tee off on the sixteenth hole about 20 minutes ago?" "Yes," the golfer responded. "Did you happen to hook your ball so that it went over the trees and off the course?" "Yes, I did. How did you know?" he asked. "Well," said the policeman very seriously, "Your ball flew out onto the highway and crashed through a driver's windshield. The car went out of control, crashing into five other cars and a fire truck. The fire truck couldn't make it to the fire, and the building burned down. So, what are you going to do about it?" The golfer thought it over carefully and responded… "I think I'll close my stance a little bit, tighten my grip and lower my right thumb." From the Rules Chair – Tom Johnson: While there are no rules requiring you to watch the flight of other players golf shots, you can significantly speed up the pace of play if you view other players shots from behind where they are hitting. When several people are watching, there is a good chance that someone will see where the ball is located. If there is any possibility that a ball is lost or out of bounds you should declare that you are playing a provisional ball and how you will tell the difference between the original ball and the provisional ball. If you have not hit a provisional and your ball cannot be found, a new local rule allows you to play a ball from where the ball is estimated to have landed with a two- stroke penalty, no closer to the hole. If the ball is out of bounds, you can bring it to the nearest point on the fairway that is the same distance or more from the pin. This rule cannot be used if a provisional ball was hit, is in bounds and has been located. This cannot be used if it is virtually certain to have landed in a penalty area. From the Tournament Chair – Addis Scott: You may sign up at our prior Tuesday golf event or contact the Tournament Committee by email at Our February 2019 Game Schedule is: Feb. 5 at 8 am, President's Cup – Match Play 16 Players - Others = Low Net Feb. 7 at 8 am, Thursday, President's Cup – Match Play 8 Players - Others = Low Net Feb. 12 at 8 am, President's Cup – Match Play 4 Players - Others = Low Net Feb. 19 at 8 am, President's Cup – Match Play - 1st/2nd & 3rd/4th Play- off per Flight- Others = Low Net Feb. 26 at 8 am, Team: Scramble From the Handicap Chair – Melody Lewis: As Handicap Chair for the past year, I have had the opportunity of seeing the highs and lows of everyone's game. I've noticed a lot of improvement in our members scores over the past year. Whether you are a 10 or a 40 handicap, remember it's a game and have fun! Also, I would like to thank those members that post their scores every week in a timely manner. It is much appreciated and makes my job so much easier. THANK YOU! If you have any concerns or questions regarding handicaps, please feel free to contact me. From the Membership Chair – Elliot Yaeger: Presently there is a total of 120 members at 4 Seasons Golf Club. The club welcomes our newest members Debbie Barnes, Meredith Becker, Michael Eoff, Steve Kosta, George McGowan and Wayne Tillman. We continue to play every Tuesday throughout the year. So, if you choose to join or rejoin you can join the club any time. Membership also includes SCGA Membership, where your handicap will be established and updated every two weeks. If you need further assistance contact me at (951) 223-3735 or email me at: I encourage all to join and enjoy Tuesday's play as well as our social functions.

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