DID YOU KNOW that the CCR ballots will finally be counted? Results
will be posted as soon as they are available.
DID YOU KNOW Margie Chadburn and Albert Padilla are the latest
winners of our website treasure hunt? And, yes, the icon has been
moved and ready for the hunt to begin anew. Go to
fourseasonbeaumont.org and look for the
treasure chest logo hiding somewhere on
the website. Once found, click on the
page and an email form will appear.
Fill out the form and submit. New
winners are selected each month
and can pick up their pirate booty
at The Lodge front desk.
DID YOU KNOW that after two years, approval for the off-leash
location on the utility easement was turned down by So Cal Gas?
So it's back to the drawing board. The Board approved the Off-
Leash AdHoc committee to reconvene. The committee is diligently
searching for another area suitable for all.
DID YOU KNOW that our website has an on-line resident directory?
The directory, located under the Contacts tab, hosts names,
phones, addresses, and email addresses of Four Seasons Beaumont
residents. If you haven't registered for website access, log onto
fourseasonsbeaumont.org and at the top of the page is a blue
"Register" tab. Click on the tab, fill out the appropriate information
and submit. Registration is handled Mondays-Fridays, from 9 am to
5 pm.
DID YOU KNOW that if something is changed for your event after
the Breeze has gone to print, you can always send that change to
printnpixel55@gmail.com? We will post the up-to-date information
on our website, fourseasonsbeaumont.org under the In case you
missed it! feature. It is another source of digital information to
accompany Upcoming Events on the web and the email accessible
Daily Report.
DID YOU KNOW the Board agreed with the AdHoc Committee's
recommendation to enter into a contract with the Kopper Kettle Kafe
from Yucaipa to be the new Bistro operator? At time of printing, plans
included opening The Kopper Kettle Bistro by Sept. 1 and hosting
coffee and pie "meet and greets" prior.