DID YOU KNOW where you can find all kinds of helpful
information to help prepare you for a disaster? The resident's handbook,
along with other links to Emergency Preparedness information, is online
at fourseasonsbeaumont.org. On the welcome page, find HOA (last drop
down feature in the blue banner). Once you click on HOA, you will find
Emergency Preparedness at the sixth bullet.
DID YOU KNOW if you are selected as the Joke of the Month or
website Treasure Hunt winner, you need to see Cindy at The Lodge front
desk to claim your prize?
DID YOU KNOW the latest website Treasure Hunt
winner is Mary Baer? The icon has been
moved and the hunt begins again. Go to
fourseasonsbeaumont.org and look for the
treasure chest logo hiding somewhere on
the website. Once found, click on the icon
and an email form will appear. Fill out the
form and submit. Mary, you can go pick up
your prize from Cindy at The Lodge front
DID YOU KNOW that there will be four open
seats for the Association's Board of Directors in the April
election? If you have considered serving our community
or want the opportunity to make Association changes more
in alignment with your views, this could be the avenue. If
interested, there are two ways to get the application. You can
contact the FirstService Residential Management Office and
request a BOD application. Or, you can go to our website,
fourseasonsbeamont.org. The application is located under
HOA Other forms. Once completed, return the application
to the management office before the deadline in March (date
to be determined). It goes without saying, you must be "a
member in good standing" to be eligible to run for a BOD seat.