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Four Seasons Breeze January 2020

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FOUR SEASONS BREEZE | JANUARY 2020 45 In our meeting on December 6, we took time to reflect back on our class goal and class theme for 2019, and had an amazing discussion on how we have made changes in our lives during the course of this year by changing our minds, hearts, attitude, thoughts, focus, perceptions, study and prayer. It was so uplifting to hear some of the ladies' stories about how they have grown spiritually in 2019. Amazing! We then had a fill-in-the-blank test concerning what we remembered about the 13 Epistles of Paul in the New Testament that we have studied this year. There were 26 questions, the last three of which could be any answer, so everyone got credit for those. The No. 1 winner was Mary Helen Ramirez, and she got a great prize. Coming in second and third were Donna Orlando and Susan Liewer. Congratulations, ladies. You're all awesome. (Of course, it helps if you don't miss any Bible study meetings during the year, but hey, we're busy, right?) On Dec. 13 we had our annual Christmas party, with a lesson first on most of the names or titles of Jesus. Each woman was given a scripture to look up and read when their scripture was called (referencing one of Jesus' names). It was amazing. Then we had a luncheon which was provided: pasta, salad, bread and dessert. Lots of bonding went on during the meal. After everyone was finished eating, we had a fashion show brought to us by Macy's Department Store, courtesy of Becky Williams' daughter, Kim, followed by a beautiful medley of Christmas songs by Conni Hinkle's daughter, Wendy (a professional singer). It was a delightful day, and everyone had such a good time. Our first six-week series in 2020 will begin on Jan. 3, introducing the concept of Grace: What is it? How do you get it? Why do we want it? Why do I need it? All these questions and more will be answered as we study this subject in depth. After we finish this series, we will explore the subject of End Times. How do we recognize them, why do we need to do so, and why are they important? Ladies, if you are new to the community, have always wanted to join a terrific group of Godly women, have always wanted to study the Bible, or all of the above, please come by the Game Room in The Lodge any Friday at 10:30 am, and we promise to be loving and welcoming. Hope to see you soon. ~ Eileen Gilbert-Antoine; egcellent@msn. com "Believeā€¦" Women's Bible Study Intercessory Prayer group Greeting intercessors, friends and neighbors! Happy New Year. Come and join us for prayer in the Game Room on Mondays at 9 am. Men are welcome. ~ Cookie Bonner;

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