If you have seen an act of kindness or
have received one, please share with the
community. Let's spread gratitude! Just go
to The Lodge lobby and fill out a gratitude
note and put in the box marked "The Box of
Gratitude." Thank you.
Spreading Gratitude in Four Seasons
Thank you so much to the finder of my glasses. They were on
my windshield. I am so grateful for your kindness. Justine F.
Many thanks to our neighbors on Mock Bluff, Linnea Fields,
Alissa Flowers, and Rosemary Gardens, who have now
become family and friends. Love you all. ~ Nigel & Christi
I have just moved here and a lady named Judy welcomed
me and invited me to the holiday party for Taste d' Vine!
Someone else invited me to play mah jongg. How wonderful.
~ Anonymous
I love this community, especially my neighbors! ~ Charles C.
Dear Safety Committee Members: I've just returned from
my morning walk around Four Seasons Circle and wanted to
express my appreciation on the installation of the stop signs
along the roadway. I feel sooooo much safer walking! It's the
solution we should have done years ago! I'm fairly confident
that there have been complaints from the speeders but I want
you to hear from the walker's side of the story too. I couldn't
be more pleased to have walking feel safer for all. Thank you
for all the hard work that you do to keep us safe! ~ Dianne A.
Thank you to Jeff Davidson for the monthly word find
puzzles. ~ Anonymous