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OHCC Living June 2020

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| OHCC LIVING | JUNE 2020 | 3 President's Message By Angela Takemato Hello everyone, welcome to June! As many of you know, we held our regular open Board meeting via Zoom again for May. We had over 100 participants, and many valuable comments from our homeowners in attendance. I thank you for your active participation in our community. So, I need to let you know about recent Executive meetings. On April 1, we held a special Executive session to review legal issues. No actions were taken at that meeting. On April 23, the Board met again in a Special Executive session. Items discussed included legal issues and third party contracts. Contracts approved at that meeting included: Our agreement with Securitas, for security services effective April 1, 2020, in an annual amount of $812,713.68, plus fuel and vehicle maintenance costs. This is payable as an Operations expense. The Board also approved a change order for the Clubhouse renovation project, for additional painting of interior window and door frames for the rooms adjacent to the Grand Galleria, in an amount not to exceed $10,000. Also a change order to repair moisture damage which was discovered in the Greenery Lounge, in an amount not to exceed $1,600. The other item approved at that meeting was the Annual Meeting timeline and schedule, which laid out deadlines for submitting candidate declarations, May 29, and set the date of record of Ownership as June 12. You have all received the formal notice by mail. Also at that meeting the Board approved allowing residents to walk on the golf course, since it was closed for golf by county order. The Board also agreed to continue our policy of supporting payroll costs for our Keystone staff through May 23, when the Board will review the policy again. So then on April 29, the Board met in an emergency executive session to discuss legal matters and third party contracts. At that meeting the Board approved reopening the golf course for play, contingent upon the protocols mandated by the county. Because the Board was aware of the requests by residents to allow non-golfers to access the golf course for walking, as well as the desire of other residents to open the remaining recreational facilities, the Board formed two ad hoc committees to look into these issues and present recommendations to the Board. The Golf/Walk Share committee is comprised of Directors Peggy Johnson, Don Lopez and Jerry Gorman. The Sports Courts and Swimming Pool committee is comprised of Directors Scott Goldwasser, Greg Kusiak and Jerry Gorman. We will be hearing from both those committees later in the meeting. I do want to point out that I do not expect the Board will take any action on these subjects in today's meeting. The items are on the agenda for discussion only. On May 1, the Board met again in an emergency Executive Session. This was prompted by the notice from the county that our proposed protocols for reopening our golf course had been approved. The Board approved opening the course for play the next day, and to rescind access for walkers immediately. And that brings us to Monday, May 11, when we held our regular monthly Executive Session. The Board discussed third party contracts, legal matters, member disciplinary action, and approval of minutes of prior Executive sessions. At that meeting the Board reviewed bids from four vendors and selected California Elections Company, our current vendor, to perform services associated with this year's Annual meeting and election of directors. This contract is in the amount of $6,845. So that's the official stuff done. Now let's talk about where we are. I guess frustrated would sum it up! As I said in last month's message, I'm writing this in the middle of the month, and have no insight as to changes that might transpire by June 1. But rest assured that we are keeping up with the changes and will take action as and when we can. I know we are all dealing with the stay at home orders in the best way we can, and yet wish we could get our lives back to the way they were. Unfortunately, I think we all know that this isn't going to happen really soon. You can be sure that the Board is working with Wendy and her team to get our facilities open just as soon as we can do so, while also dealing with requirements of city, county and state orders. In the meantime, I can only ask that you do your part to comply with the official orders as well as the restrictions we have in place in the community. Cover your face, wash your hands, stay home, and stay positive!

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