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Hemet Herald July 2020

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"With each sunrise we are given a chance for a new beginning!" Wishing you a very happy Fourth of July! The Sun is Shining Here: We are entering July with thoughts of getting back to some normalcy. The Lodge has opened to some activities with restrictions. We urge everyone to adhere to the new rules when using the facilities. Team Sunshine, as well as volunteers from the Four Seasons community, have made this time of quarantine an activity of sharing talent and time. Mask making has been suspended as well as Bistro meal delivery. Delivery and pickup of medical equipment have been suspended but will be reviewed for future service and curbside conversations may continue for a time. A Kindness Nudge: If you have someone who has been especially kind and caring during this difficult time, take a minute and recognize them with a Kindness Award. You will find the Kindness Cards at the front desk. Team Sunshine will recognize those who "reached out" to you. Thank you! Celebrations/Memorials: Our condolences go out to Clive Gridley on the passing of his wife, Jeannine. Sincere sympathies to Harv Fischer on the passing of his wife, Tari. We feel so sad that these families must grieve at a time when they cannot be comforted by family and friends. We don't always know of all the passings in Four Seasons. Our celebration services to any of these families, if they request it, have been limited as we have no access to any of the meeting rooms and numbers are restricted. There are no "perfect words" to extend to these families except to say, "We are so sorry for your loss." Cards and phone calls continue to go out to those who have lost a treasured family member. Marietta Ruppaner conducts a prayer circle once a month to pray for our residents in need. Give Marietta a call at (951) 325-8348 and she'll give you details. Also, a prayer request box is located in the Multipurpose Room. Closing Thoughts: "Cherish all your happy moments: they make a fine cushion for old age." Christopher Morley, US author and journalist (1890 - 1957) 16 | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | July 2020 | Team Sunshine Just in case: Check with your club contact to confirm meeting place, date, & time. The show must go on! And our shows will… eventually! Please look for our rescheduling of Grand Night of Musical Theater. We sincerely hope you and your family stay safe during these turbulent times. We will soon see you all around the community. ~ Chris Pounders Players Theater

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