16 | OHCC LIVING | JULY 2020 |
Village Vets
Again, we will communicate with Village Vet members as soon as
possible about our next available meeting date and speakers. In case
you didn't know, there are now eight U.S. Commissioned Uniformed
Services. They are Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Space Force, Coast
Guard, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Corps and Public Health Service.
The Public Health Service has been around for over 200 years.
Early on, a team flew to Japan to meet with passengers aboard the
Diamond Princess to assist, and assess conditions of Americans
and others that were afflicted or exposed with the COVID-19. They
shuttled, quarantined, and treated those affected. Many service
members were also sent to New York City as early responders to assist
medical teams in order to fight the epicenter of the virus contagion
there. In smaller communities they set up resources where needed
and set up treatment networks across federal, state, regional and
local lines. The public Health Service has 6,100 uniformed Officers.
Their work is fighting global infections, environmental health issues
as well as other health problems due to destructive forces such as
floods and hurricanes.
We intend on keeping you informed with our monthly Bugle
publication both online and delivered to our members. If you didn't
get to join us this year yet, you can still leave a check for $10 per
person. Please mark on your check "for dues" put it into an envelope
and deliver it to the tube of our Treasurer, Bob Smith at 5059 Dassia
Way in Portofino.
The fourth of July is upon us. Check the condition of your
American Flag. If you need help with a flag or holder installation
call Tom Brennan at (760) 842-1470. He will be happy to assist you.
Just in case: Check with your club contact to confirm meeting place, date, and time.