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OHCC Living July 2020

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| OHCC LIVING | JULY 2020 | 3 President's Message By Angela Takemato Hello everyone — Can you believe we're into July already? With the last few months in a sort of holding pattern, time has kept ticking away, and now we're halfway through the year! I think we are all ready for the restrictions to go away, but until they do, we need to stay in that holding pattern and continue to be safe. Even with all the restrictions we face under this stay- at-home order, the Board continues to conduct essential business, via Zoom meetings as necessary. On May 22, the Board met in a special Executive Session, and discussed third party contracts and legal matters. At that meeting the Board resolved to continue support of payroll expenses for our Keystone personnel, through the pay period ending June 27, 2020. As of June 21, HOA and Clubhouse staff are back to normal levels, and conducting business. Business may still need to be done at arm's length for a while, but Wendy and her team are there for you as usual. Then on May 27, the Board met in an emergency executive session and discussed legal matters. At that meeting, the Board authorized the General Manager to reopen OHCC recreation venues when, in her judgment, the requirements of state and county authorities have been satisfied. In cases where compliance is unclear, the General Manager will consult with the Board as necessary. You've seen the results of that decision in several emails, opening and increasing access to our amenities. On June 9, the Board met in our regular monthly Executive meeting. Items discussed included third party contracts, delinquencies, legal matters, and approval of minutes of prior executive sessions. Actions taken at the meeting included approval of the proposal from Van Dyke Landscape Architects to provide construction management services for our golf course renovation project. The proposal is a time and materials contract, in an amount not to exceed $30,000, payable from reserves. VDLA will assist the Golf Course Irrigation Committee in development of the design Build contract, including preparing performance specifications for the contract. Approval of the proposal from Atlas Tree services, our registered consulting arborist, to perform the 2020 tree assessment. The contract amount is the same as last year, $15,680. Payable from operating funds. Approval of two proposals from COIT. One, in an amount of $4,944, to clean and seal all the baseboard tile in the Clubhouse, and the second, in an amount of $5,200, to clean the HVAC air ducts in the Clubhouse and the HOA office, in preparation for resuming occupancy. These are payable from operating funds. Approval of a proposal from Restoration Hardwood Flooring to refinish the hardwood floors in the Mykonos Room, the Art Room and the Abravanel Hall stage. The proposal did include sanding and refinishing the dance floor in Abravanel Hall, but the Board chose to forego that process this year, given the expectation of significantly reduced activity on the dance floor as a result of our COVID-19 restrictions. Staff will check with the company to see if alternative approaches are necessary and make recommendations accordingly. The proposal is in an amount of $20,592. Payable from operating funds. So, that brings you up to date on our executive sessions. I'm sure everyone is pleased that we are able to allow access to more of our facilities, as the county lifts more restrictions. We will continue to address other areas as candidates for opening in the coming days and weeks. Some areas are difficult, such as the Clubhouse itself. As long as the County Health order prohibits gatherings, we cannot open the Clubhouse for regular use, and even when they do ease that restriction, it's expected that we will still be under strict occupancy limits. The Board, as well as Wendy and her team are monitoring the announcements on a daily basis, and responding to the changes announced… such as the pool opening! It's nice to see, at least for outdoor activities, that things are beginning to look a bit more like normal! Stay safe, stay well, be patient, and enjoy the summer, and wishing everyone a festive Fourth of July!

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