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OHCC Living Sept 2020

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4 | OHCC LIVING | SEPTEMBER 2020 | The financials for July were reviewed by the Executive Finance Committee on August 12. Copies of the July statements have been posted to the OHCC website. July is the fourth month of our 2020-21 Fiscal Year and continues the trend of reduced revenue from Clubhouse activities during the pandemic, and slightly reduced expenses in various categories. We are $28,000 ahead of budget for the month, and $229,000 for the year to date with an actual loss for the month of $5,000 (compared to a budgeted loss of $33,000) and a year-to-date actual surplus exceeding $199,000 (compared to a budgeted loss of $29,000). While we had anticipated applying $127,000 of last year's surplus to this first third of the year, we have instead added $72,000 to our equity, currently $1,062,000. The weather remains our perpetual wild card as it may affect our budget for the balance of the year. This year we also have the COVID-19 wild card which will begin making itself felt as we absorb the extra expenses of new related staff tasks and new services such as sanitizing our facilities. Fortunately, we are in a good position financially to adapt to these unpredictable circumstances. Treasurer's Report By Greg Kusiak, MBA, Treasurer, 31 July 2020 Operating Cash & Receivables $ 1,554,000 Reserves and Other $ 5,944,000 Total Assets $ 7,497,000 Reserve Obligations $ 5,874,000 Current Liabilities $ 561,000 Equity $ 1,062,000 June Fiscal Year Income $ 682,000 $ 2,724,000 Expenses $ 687,000 $ 2,525,000 Net $ (5,000) $ 199,000 * *Rounding error

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