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Four Seasons Beaumont Breeze October 2020

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20 FOUR SEASONS BREEZE | OCTOBER 2020 Our September Neighborhood Watch meeting featured guest speakers Angela Brady and Dr. Karan Singh. Brady is the Emergency Department Director at San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital and Dr. Singh is the Emergency Room Director and Chief of Quality. They covered patient treatment and other local and relevant COVID-19 information and answered many questions from residents. The presentation was well received and enjoyed by all who were in Zoom attendance. We are very thankful that Brady, MSN,APRN, CEN, CNE and Dr. Singh, MD, MBS, FAAEM, CPPS, took time out of their busy schedules to cover COVID-19 information for our residents. The meeting was taped and uploaded to YouTube for residents who weren't able to attend. Residents can find the link to the meeting through the Sept. 9 Daily Report. The Board of Directors and First Service Residential Management continue to monitor the COVID-19 restrictions and the requirements of the Riverside County Health Department. Currently we have opened outdoor amenities allowed under these guidelines, and like you, we look forward to easing restrictions as soon as safely possible. Each day I see more and more walkers throughout our community. It has been extremely hot so remember to take water with you while you are out in our beautiful community. Pedestrians, be careful crossing the streets, especially on Four Seasons Circle where the posted speed limit is 30 mph but many of our residents tend to drive a little faster. Drivers, please be aware of pedestrians crossing the roadways in crosswalks and yield to them so they can safely cross the street. If you see something that is suspicious, do not confront any individuals. Report the incident to the Beaumont Police Department and then notify The Lodge front desk of the suspicious activity. Also, contact your Block Captain to report the incident in your neighborhood. Thank you to the Steering Committee, Block Captains, and all our residents for working together to keep our community safe. ~ Jerry Monahan, (951) 212-8898 Neighborhood Watch

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