| Four Seasons Hemet Herald | OCTOBER 2020 | 7
A special thank you to the volunteers at our Shred Day in August.
The volunteers served 150 cars in the first 90 minutes, at which point
the truck was 50 percent filled. Not only was it the hottest day of
the year, but the shred truck creates a huge amount of heat. Thank
you Jerry and Nancy Hawkins, Orville and Cynthia Ellsworth and
Bobbie Davis. To the young man who came at the last minute to give
a hand, we thank you too! I was a bit concerned as the line wrapped
around the parking lot, that the truck was going to fill before
everyone made it through the line. To my relief, that did not happen
and we were able to serve residents until 12 pm. Next year I think we
can avoid the morning
wait knowing it won't
fill up too quickly and
the wait time can be
staggered. Of course I
say this to an audience
known for their
promptness. Those
who came after the
rush were in and out
in minutes.
Shred it Day
Four Seasons
Fur babies
Mojo says
"Let's play!"
Submitted by
Andra Sopp