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Ocean Hills Living October 2020

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The summer of masks and no beer and no hot dogs at Petco while cheering on the Padres is over. Now it's on to those spectacular fall Saturdays at the stadium watching college football — NOT! Many of us celebrated the autumnal equinox together on Tues., Sept. 22 in the mountains of Utah on our first official RV Club trip in many, many months. It was great to get away on what we called our EFOH — Escape From Ocean Hills! We are hoping for an Outstanding October and a Nice November to counterbalance our Miserable March and Awful April! Your newly constituted Board now has individual committee assignments and liaison responsibilities and has hit the ground running. We are working to gather all of the requests, pending projects and possible future needs and determine which have priority for the Board's and staff 's attention. For the Executive Session on Sept. 8 and the regular monthly meeting on Sept. 10, we reviewed 600 pages of material when the full financial statements are included! "Sign, sign, everywhere a sign, blockin' out the scenery, breakin' my mind!" So went the 1970 Les Emmerson song (Yes, it was a half- century ago!) and so goes a lot of our Board correspondence. Many people have offered suggestions, and a few have flat out demanded that their particular solution be implemented, legal or not. The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the first part of the Bill of Rights, says: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Article I, Section 2. a. of the California Constitution says: Every person may freely speak, write and publish his or her sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of this right. A law may not restrain or abridge liberty of speech or press. Signs expressing opinions are a part of that free speech, and any limitation on that right is very tightly circumscribed both in American tradition and in Federal and California law. No matter who dislikes the signs, or how much disdain you have for a candidate or current officeholder, or how disruptive a sign is, or how reasonable you think your restrictions are, freedom reigns. An HOA can't make its own rules that contravene the Constitution, which leaves us a very short list of options. Those options include some limits on the length of time an election sign can be displayed, which we discussed and took initial action on during our Regular September meeting. Further discussion will follow in our Regular October meeting. Many of you have now toured our remodeled Clubhouse and have seen the great work that has been done. We owe much of this to the tireless Clubhouse Design Committee's multi-year marathon. This is an example of what can be accomplished by "Mining the Gold" — tapping the amazing talents of our members, letting them get their teeth into a problem and facilitating their recommended solutions. We intend to pursue similar processes toward successful conclusions to various other projects, present and future. In our Executive Session on Sept. 8, we addressed the following items: • Authorized the Ad Hoc Website Committee to proceed with assisting staff in securing support from Association Voice to stabilize our website and develop enhancements. • The proposed revised contract with Keystone to develop a new website has been put on indefinite hold, and Keystone will be paid $4,180 for development work already undertaken. • Directed staff to gather information on a drainage issue affecting one residence. • Approved the implementation of a new system of disbursement control which is online and available to all Directors, and which improves our efficiency and control over reviewing invoices and issuing checks. • Declined a request by the Village of Hydra to modify the Village Management Agreement. • Accepted a report from Van Dyke Landscape Architects analyzing the allocation of water use among the Master Association and the Villages and are forwarding it on to each Village for review. • Established a committee of Jerry Gorman and Henry Eisenson to work with the General Manager to solicit proposals from law firms to serve as counsel to OHCC HOA. The current representation agreement expires at the end of November. • Directed staff to obtain further information on options for replacing the floor in the Art Room which is well past its predicted useful life and has moisture damage. • Discussed issues related to enforcement of rules related to garage modifications and requests for parking passes. • Reviewed the challenges of recruiting a new Landscape Operations Director. • Approved a temporary payment plan for a delinquent account pending sale. At the Regular Board Meeting on Sept. 10, we addressed the following items: • Discussed further the feasibility of installing solar arrays. • Began the process of adopting new rules regarding election signs and released the related opinion of Adams|Stirling to the Members. • Approved the final phase of the Leisure Village Way landscape renovations to be performed by O'Connell at a cost to reserves of $190,000. • Appointed Committee Members to the Architectural Review, Landscape and Ad Hoc Website Committees. • Discussed further a modification to the racquet courts at the HOA Office. • Dissolved the Clubhouse Executive Committee, the Clubhouse Mobilization Committee and the Overflow Parking Lot Restroom Committee. • Suspended the activities of the Marketing Committee | OHCC LIVING | OCTOBER 2020 | 3 President's Message By Gregory Kusiak Continued on page 5

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