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Ocean Hills Living October 2020

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36 | OHCC LIVING | OCTOBER 2020 | Swim, Surf & Wellness It seems so long ago when we were able to have our regular recreation and social functions at the Clubhouse. Who would have guessed that six months after temporarily closing the Clubhouse, we are still not able to completely resume OHCC life as we knew it, pre-pandemic, before safe distancing rules went into effect? That being said, many OHCC Clubs have become creative and have used the last six months to reinvent their programs so members can still socialize, learn, and participate in activities. Our Club's Board has advocated for more pool access. We now have five pool lanes for residents, including the Float and Stretch area. In our last article, we focused on aqua fitness in the pool and ways to use pool exercise tools such as noodles and foam dumbbells. In this article, we have included a novel method of swimming in place that can be done in the Float and Stretch Lane. As we discuss wellness, Dr. Kory Ward, VP of our Club Board, is introducing our first book review. Confusion can be caused by the myriad information about healthy eating, foods to avoid, foods to consume, and foods to consume in moderation. Eat Fat Get Thin, The 10-Day Detox Diet by Mr. Hyman, MD, Director of the Cleveland Clinic's Center for Functional Medicine, Director of the Ultra-Wellness Center in MA, addresses these topics. Dr. Hyman explores every food group in depth. He explains misconceptions about food choices and consumption over the years. He uncovers which foods nurture us and which pose a health threat. Everything recommended in the book is backed with fascinating, documented science. Hyman summarizes the food research in a way that is not too geeky and easy to follow. He also explains how each food group supports our heath and how "food as medicine" can reverse chronic disease. Dr. Hyman's book connects the dots and gives us the big picture about how our food system, governmental policies, environment, economy, and social justice are all interconnected. It even includes recipes using whole, real food, spices, and condiments. I first listened to the book's content on Audible. Although a pdf accompanies the audiobook, which can be downloaded once you purchase the audio version, I found the book was something that I would want to revisit from time to time, so I purchased a hardcover copy. I highly recommend this book. For more information and other resources supporting the book, go to the Wellness Menu tab on the Swim, Surf, & Wellness Club website. Member Spotlight – Robin Ryan (photo inset): We are pleased to recognize Robin Ryan, a long-time supporter of the Club who has been instrumental in its evolution from Swim – to Swim and Wellness, and now the Swim, Surf, and Wellness Club. Robin was born and raised in Dayton, Ohio. When asked about how she got interested in swimming as a sport, she said, "From an early age, my sisters and I learned to swim, boat, fish, and water ski. We enjoyed neighborhood swim clubs, the Florida beaches, and navigated the Great Lakes on Dad's boat." Robin graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from The Ohio State University and moved to San Francisco. In 2008, Robin and her husband, Dave Anderson, moved from the Napa Valley to OHCC. The Swim Club was started back in the early days of Leisure Village. The purpose at that time was to bring swimmers and pool lovers together to party and make friends. The Swim Clinic was also implemented to teach swimming, aqua fitness, and promote water safety. In 2008, Robin was recruited to help with the Clinic. Several years later she was asked to take over management of the Clinic with the help of Frank and Sue Tanner. Now Ken Krueger (photo inset) brings his valuable coaching experience to the Clinic. To learn more about Robin's significant contributions to our club over the years and read about her fascinating and impactful career as a commercial photographer – think Falcon Crest the TV series, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Governor Jerry Brown, Senator Diane Feinstein, George Lucas, and Mick Jagger — you will find a copy of the September 2020 Member Spotlight on the Home Page of the OHCC website. Novel Way to Swim Laps in Float and Stretch Lane of the Pool: Ken Krueger has devised a unique system for swimming-in-place in the deep end of the pool using a TheraBand. Ken says he always uses a wide TheraBand or any rubber band that is at least 18-feet long, to swim laps in short pools, such as a cruise ship pool. He ties the TheraBand, then wraps it around the pool ladder, hooks his ankles and feet with the band, then swims in place. Ken said, "I use this technique, so I don't get dizzy making turns in the short pool. It is harder than swimming because you are going against still water and resistance. I do freestyle and back strokes, but you could do any stroke. Obviously, no kicking, so I do that separately." Watch the video of Ken demonstrating this unique swimming-in-place technique in our OHCC Float and Stretch Lane on our website. Open the HOME page menu tab and select - Miscellaneous Information. Swim Clinic: We do not have a date for our Learn to Swim or Improve Your Strokes lessons. When we do, we will notify members and will post the information on our website. To get more information or to sign up for the next Swim Clinic, email Ken Kruger at Lessons are open to all residents. Surf Outings: Surf alerts can go out any time when conditions are good, so please email Tim Pentel, expert surfer, at to be included on the alert list or if you have any questions. Want to join our club? Have questions? Contact Bob Clarke, Treasurer at Meanwhile, be well, stay safe and we will see you at the pool! ~ The Swim, Surf, & Wellness Club Board. Thank you, Layne Strelic, for your service, as Secretary of the Swim, Surf, & Wellness Club Board in 2020. You will be missed! Photo by Robin Ryan, 2018 – North Beach, Oceanside

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