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Ocean Hills Living October 2020

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| OHCC LIVING | OCTOBER 2020 | 5 GM's Message By Wendy Panizza I hope this finds you all safe and well. By the time you read this message, we will be officially into the fall season of 2020! Of course, we continue to deal with the pandemic and have realized a new normal way of operating at the HOA and the Clubhouse. Most of you are likely aware of our continued safe reopening plans, which recently have included taking reservations for club and committee meetings to be held in the Palm Court area, and an expansion of the wood shop hours. The Weight and Cardio Rooms that make up the Fitness Center are reopened, and we and are taking temperatures, asking health questions, and sanitizing between users as per the county guidelines. We have opened three drinking fountains, each at the HOA sports courts, the pickleball courts nearest the Clubhouse, and the golf casa. We are performing sanitation protocol on these fountains during our rotations, and have posted signage to use at your own risk due to COVID-19. Please be sure to use the hand sanitizer before and after using the drinking fountains to ensure your safety and that of others! We have established a Library Book Return program where residents can drop off library books on a cart located outside the Lamia Room (formerly known as the Ladies Club Room) between the hours of 8 am and 8 pm Monday through Sunday. So, if you're holding onto books from the pre-COVID era, please bring them back for our dedicated librarians to prepare for opening, hopefully soon. Please know we are always considering additional reopening plans to accommodate all residents in their quest for exercise and entertainment, and we appreciate your patience as we work to satisfy the needs of this community while staying safe. OHCC things to do include a Flu Clinic, sponsored by Walgreens, scheduled for Sat., Oct. 10 at 9 am in the Overflow Parking Lot. We are conducting a shredding event on Oct. 17 between 9 am and noon, sponsored by Securitas, who provides our excellent community patrol services. Also we will have a contactless drive-through food drive, sponsored by the SERT Club, that is scheduled for Oct. 23 from 9 am to 1 pm to benefit the North County Food Bank. We have regretfully lost our Landscape Operations Director and are actively recruiting for the same. The Board has directed we also consider the services of our landscape vendors, and are working with those existing partners to determine best fit to ensure our operations continue with no negative impact. The Board accepted a report from Van Dyke Landscape Architects who performed a Master Irrigation and Water Use Allocation study to determine appropriate billing percentages for each of the Village Associations, and the reports have been distributed to the Village Boards. For most of the Villages, this results in a reduction of water use, mostly related to conversion of turf to shrubs and replacement of irrigation components for the front yards. The Master Board has directed that the billing percentages be applied as of the beginning of the fiscal year, April 1, 2020. Highlights from the maintenance division include the installation of the crosswalk beacons at the park, replacement of wood flooring in certain rooms of the Clubhouse, and finalizing the contract and work plan for this year's asphalt work. We will soon consider work to the older components of our HVAC system at the Clubhouse; and are bidding work for the sports courts refinishing, that includes resurfacing, paint, fencing and windscreens, and that will come to the Board for approval once numbers are in. Storm drain cleaning is coming up and street signs are being evaluated for repair and replacement. Work on the Lanai Project continues, as does the Golf Course Renovation and Well Conversion, and we are bidding work for the installation of electrical to service the well, should it be approved. We have completed most of the nearly 1,500 work orders entered since the beginning of the year; processed 211 Architectural applications, 49 of which were done in August alone! We have issued 84 citations, and the Citation Review Committee has held 92 hearings year-to-date. We are working diligently with the RV Lot Committee to actively reorganize the RV Lot to best accommodate users. By the time of this publication, we will have engaged the Board in training and the use of Strongroom, which provides the Association the opportunity to streamline the accounts payable and invoice payment process with a digital application that provides Board members 24/7 on-demand access. Yay! Once again, I thank you all sincerely for your continued support and encouragement. Please know we will get through this together! and the Clubhouse Design Committee pending further recommendations from these respective Committee members about future activities. • Assigned Board Liaisons to standing committees and appointed Directors to various committees. • Referred proposed solar panel installation rules of the Village of Corfu to legal counsel. • Rejected an appeal of an ARC fine. • Approved obtaining bids for the conversion of Tennis Court #2 into four pickleball courts and dedicating Court #1 to tennis. • Approved the use of common facilities by SERT for a Flu Clinic. • Approved the use of common facilities by SERT for a Food Bank Drive. • Approved the accumulated recommendations of the Landscape Committee to remove 18 dying, overgrown or problem trees, with some new plantings to be made in their place. We wish you a healthy autumn on our way to a future with a semblance of normalcy. President's Message, continued from page 3

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