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Four Seasons Hemet Herald November 2020

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| Four Seasons Hemet Herald | NOVEMBER 2020 | 3 General Manager's Message By Rick Ruth, CMCA In September, the Board approved the installation of two park benches along the East Legends paseos. As I write this, the slabs are being poured and the project will be completed next week. We would like to inform those who will be using the benches to rest that the bench areas do not have ashtrays or pet waste stations. Please refrain from smoking, pick up after your pets, AND TAKE THE BAG WITH YOU! Picking up pet waste is not written into the landscape contract so please help our landscape vendor out by taking it with you. The asphalt project is still ongoing. Titan is in the process of correcting areas within the community and we anticipate our warranty period to begin very soon. As I drove through the community last month, I noticed many homes and common areas have runoff. We have and continue to work with our landscape maintenance vendor to modify the common area sprinkler systems. We are also focusing our attention on homes that have excess water coming out of the drains and notifying those residents to inspect their irrigation systems and make the necessary adjustments. This effort is not an easy one but it is vital to eliminate as much water runoff as possible so your biggest asset, the streets, are maintained in a fiscally responsible manner. Folks, I have been reminding you of this since January 2009! Go out and take a look at your curb, gutter, sidewalk, and the curb drain. If the gutter or curb drain is mossy or has weeds growing out of it, you have too much water running off from the front or rear yards. If there's a little bit, that's okay. We understand that there will always be occasional water runoff. We're trying to address the excessive runoff. Let's also take some time to think about the things we should be thankful for… health, family, friends, neighbors, and a wonderful community to live in. This month a new President will be elected or our current President will be re-elected. No matter who you voted for, it is time to put aside any differences and support the elected leadership in our local, county, state and federal government. Also, per the association's rules, please remove all politically related campaign flags, signs and banners within 24 hours after the election. Management will be looking for any violations such as these when performing our weekly property inspection. Please remove these to avoid getting a courtesy letter. May you and your family have a peaceful and blessed Thanksgiving holiday!

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