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Solera Diamond Valley November 2020

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SOLERA DIAMOND VALLEY | NOVEMBER 2020 3 SOLERA DIAMOND VALLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 951.652.5766 Anna Machado, General Manager Melissa Valona, Lifestyles Director Jenevieve Banuelos, Property Service Manager Teri Collett, Concierge Facility Monitors: Monica Roman, Dale Breault, Julian Rabago COMMUNITY WEBSITE PULTE WARRANTY SERVICE • 949.255.1650 SEABREEZE CUSTOMER CARE 800.232.7517, option 1 • GUARD SYSTEMS INC. On-Site Community Patrol 951.388.4049 • 800.606.6711 (secondary) BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Minio Garcia; Vice-President, Steven M Patrick; Secretary, Jim Harris; Treasurer, Kim Walker; Member at Large, Kathy Caraher; HOURS OF OPERATION MOUNTAIN VIEW LODGE 1645 Paseo Diamante, Hemet, CA 92545 Lodge & Pool Hours: Sunday: 7 am - 8 pm; Monday - Saturday: 7 am - 9 pm After Hours Monitor Contact 951.313.2071 PUBLICATION EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Melissa Valona COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Theresa Rossetti, Chairperson • Sherrie Chaparro, Secretary Dick Roppé • Clare Mendez • Sharon Cates PRODUCTION Image Up Advertising & Design and Kevin Walker, Arrow Printing ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS All submissions must be emailed to Melissa.valona@ no later than the 10th of the month. Articles should not exceed 500 words, 250 words for club news and 100 words for groups. The View is published monthly by the Solera Diamond Valley Community Association (SDVCA). This publication is copyrighted and may not be reproduced or reprinted without the written permission of SDVCA. Submitted articles published at the approval and discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. ADVERTISING Contact Stacey Parr at (909) 435-5042 or email staceyimageup@ GENERAL MANAGER'S MESSAGE By Anna Machado This past month we began the indoor pool area renovations and this month we will begin renovating the outdoor pool area as well. Thank you for your patience as we move through these projects. When the projects are complete you will have brand new deck coating throughout all pool areas; all pools and spas are being resurfaced with fiberglass, and the outdoor pool area landscape will be freshened up a bit as well. It's going to look beautiful! This Annual Election is upon us. Please mark your calendars for November 12, at 10 am. All ballots must be sent directly to HOA Election Experts, the Inspector of Elections. Mailed ballots must be received no later than 5 pm on November 11th. If you prefer, you may also submit your ballot in person on the day of the election, by 9:45 am. By the time you read this article, I will have moved on from Solera Diamond Valley. I want to take this final opportunity to say farewell and wish the very best for everyone at SDV. I have enjoyed my time here and met so many wonderful people. Thank you all for sharing your community with me for a time. Take care and be well! Looking ahead For December, we'd like to hear what you are looking forward to in 2021. Please send us your thoughts, 200 words maximum, no later than Nov. 7. Put "2021" in the subject line. Email

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