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SOLERA DIAMOND VALLEY | DECEMBER 2020 3 SOLERA DIAMOND VALLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 951.652.5766 Melissa Valona, Lifestyles Director Jenevieve Banuelos, Property Service Manager Teri Collett, Concierge Facility Monitors: Monica Roman, Dale Breault, Julian Rabago COMMUNITY WEBSITE PULTE WARRANTY SERVICE • 949.255.1650 SEABREEZE CUSTOMER CARE 800.232.7517, option 1 • GUARD SYSTEMS INC. On-Site Community Patrol 951.388.4049 • 800.606.6711 (secondary) BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Tom Lontz Vice-President, Kim Walker Secretary, Robert Vise Treasurer, Ralph Grider Member at Large, Jim Harriss HOURS OF OPERATION MOUNTAIN VIEW LODGE 1645 Paseo Diamante, Hemet, CA 92545 Lodge & Pool Hours: Sunday: 7 am - 8 pm; Monday - Saturday: 7 am - 9 pm After Hours Monitor Contact 951.313.2071 PUBLICATION EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Melissa Valona COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Theresa Rossetti, Chairperson • Sherrie Chaparro, Secretary Dick Roppé • Clare Mendez PRODUCTION Image Up Advertising & Design and Kevin Walker, Arrow Printing ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS All submissions must be emailed to Melissa.valona@ no later than the 10th of the month. Articles should not exceed 500 words, 250 words for club news and 100 words for groups. The View is published monthly by the Solera Diamond Valley Community Association (SDVCA). This publication is copyrighted and may not be reproduced or reprinted without the written permission of SDVCA. Submitted articles published at the approval and discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. ADVERTISING Contact Stacey Parr at (909) 435-5042 or email staceyimageup@ By Melissa Valona One of the best amenities of this community are the beautiful grounds we all get to enjoy. While we all work so hard to keep this community beautiful for all the members, you can also contribute to this effort. Our Paseos are not being kept as clean as they could with the daily animal excrement that is being left behind. We have several pet wastes stations for you to grab a trash bag and dispose of a pet's waste. The stations are cleaned regularly by the facility monitors. It is important to remember that not disposing of your pet's waste in any common area is a compliance violation. In the Rules and Regulations in section 3.2 Animal Regulations (CC&Rs §2.10 and §2.7.2c) it states: Each Owner will be absolutely liable to each and all remaining Owners, their families, tenants, residents, and guests for damages or injuries caused by any animals brought or kept in the Community by an Owner, by members of the Owner's family, or by the Owner's guests, tenants, or invitees. Each Owner will immediately remove, and properly dispose of, any excrement or clean other unsanitary conditions left by the Owner's animals on any portion of the community. Please report all compliance violations regarding this matter to jenevieve. Thank you for your assistance in maintaining a clean community. For the month of December all Room Reservation forms for the year 2021 will need to be submitted by the assigned deadline. Per the Rules and Regulations: a. Regular Facility Use - Chartered Clubs must submit an "Annual Club Schedule" to the Lifestyle Director. Form CC-7, "Annual Club Schedule" will identify regularly scheduled Club events and meetings. The term "regular" is defined to mean those events and meetings that are consistently held on the same day(s) of the week/month/quarter throughout the calendar year. Once reviewed, evaluated, and approved, Club schedules will be input on a Consolidated Lifestyle Calendar. Unless a subsequent change occurs, there is no requirement for additional submittal. The Consolidated Lifestyle Calendar is the focal point around which all remaining facility space is determined and, subsequently, all additional facility allocations are derived. Listed below is the date range for each club to submit their forms. If no changes are to be made you may email be directly or update our concierge Teri Collette. If you have not yet returned to the Clubhouse and need assistance in drawing up a safety plan to remain in COVID-19 regulations, please reach out to me. Committees: Nov. 30 – Dec. 4 • Clubs: Dec. 7 – Dec. 11 • Groups: Dec. 14 – Dec. 18. LIFESTYLE REPORT