Yiddish Culture Club
It's springtime and the Blue Bird
of Happiness is trying to land. The
coronavirus statistics are lessening
and things are opening up and who
knows, we may be able to meet in person
soon. So let's think Disney's Zip-A-
Dee-Doo-Dah and put Mr. Bluebird
on Your Shoulder.
What will be our first event? An
ice cream social? A great movie?
Dinner and musical entertainment?
We have missed laughs and dining with
friends so get ready – we are going to get
back into the SLCC YCC spirit soon!
The YCC has been Zooming its monthly
meetings and we appreciate all the members who have
attended. If you're not on our email list, email Diane Stone
with your info. We had a record turnout for our Zoom
Seder and nobody in the YCC was without a box of Matzoh
because we delivered it to each member's home! This
month you can join us at 7 pm on May 12 to keep up with
the latest news.
Happiness in Judaism is considered an important value.
There are a number of Yiddish words that have made it
into the English vernacular –
SIMCHA – Any happy occasion
KVELL – To feel happy and proud
L'CHAIM – To life!
MAZEL TOV – Good luck, Congratulations!
KIBBITZ - to chat in a fun and light hearted way
Please notify Marilyn Forhane, YCC's Sunshine Board
Member at (951) 845-9455 (mfor18@gmail.com) if you
know anyone who should receive a get well or sympathy
Notify Diane Stone, VP Programs at (951) 769-0130
(swmbo3@gmail.com) if you have program ideas or want
to borrow one of the DVDs from the YCC Library.
And Membership VP, Diane Berley at (818) 943-6457
(berley52@aol.com) wants to hear about any changes in
your contact information or will answer any questions
about membership.
The Yiddish Culture Club welcomes
all residents of any denomination