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Hemet Herald May 2021

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| Four Seasons Hemet Herald | MAY 2021 | 23 Fun & Games 20-20 Hand & foot canasta Hello to all of you - what a wonderful thing is now happening… I have been informed that we can slowly start up our Hand & Foot game. I don't know all the details yet, but I will keep you informed. One thing I can tell you is that we still must wear our mask! If you come without your mask you will not be able to play. That rule came from up above - not me. We may have to play one-half of our group one day and next half on the next day, I just don't exactly how we will have to handle the situation, but we will work it out. Oh happy day - we will get to play again! Any questions, call me Billye at (951) 926-8880. Bid Whist Club When we are allowed to resume activities, the Bid Whist Social Club meets the first Friday of every month from 2 to 5:30 pm in the Game Room at The Lodge. Regardless of your experience level, please join us for a delicious buffet followed by exciting bid whist play. For more information, call or text Donny Brown at (619) 395-7494 or Maurice Bernard Brown at (619) 750- 5839. We hope to see you there. Bridge Club Wanted! Bridge players… we meet Tuesday at 1 pm. There is a sign-up sheet in the Game Room. Come have some fun with us! Please be early — don't be late! Call Annette Smith for information at (951) 663-0949. Bunco Babes We are pleased to announce the reopening and new start for our Bunco Babes Ladies. As long as the state progresses in a positive direction, we will be able to start up Bunco with some major changes. Some of these changes will be temporary until we move into the Yellow Zone and beyond. We will be meeting on the third Friday of the month beginning May 21 in the Ballroom for distancing rules. Sign in at 12:45 pm. NO snacks will be provided. You may bring your own personal drink and small snack. We are asking you to bring your own set of three dice for yourself. We do have some sets but for safety sake we would rather you have your own. It will still be REQUIRED that you sign up by the Monday before, May 17 by contacting Paulette Defterios at or (951) 467-0179. We still have limited seating of 32 ladies for eight tables of four people SO FIRST CALL FIRST SERVE. We accept no walk-ins. MASKS ARE REQUIRED AT ALL TIME NO EXCEPTIONS. Membership rules still apply. If you are new Paulette will go over membership guidelines with you. We can't wait to see you all again. Let's play. ~ Lucille Gould and Paulette Defterios. Double Deck Pinochle Join us Fridays, 10 am in The Lodge Multipurpose Room. We are a small group hoping to expand. Don't know how to play double deck pinochle? We will teach you. It is a lot of fun. For more information, contact Dick Tarpening (951) 766-7613. Euchre Are you interested? Sign up at The Lodge. Hand & Foot I hardly know how to begin this… our world is in complete turmoil. All we can hope for is that this will end soon. Try to be safe and just hold on tight. We may have a long time to go. So stay home, love your family and be kind to everyone. We will probably all have to re-learn Hand & Foot again. Love to all of you and hope to see you soon. Mah Jongg Club I am cautiously optimistic that we are beginning to see a glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel which was 2020! The new card for 2021 has arrived and the Mahjongg Club members are anxiously waiting for the day when we all have received the vaccine and are able to resume our club activities. When the time comes, we play every Monday and Thursday from 1 to 3 pm in the Multipurpose Room. If you want to learn how to play, we have written instructions and someone is always available to teach you. You are welcome to come and observe anytime when we are playing. We also have birthday luncheons, holiday parties and other get-togethers throughout the year. For information please contact or Marilyn Fields at (619) 892-1128 or Marilyn Anderson at (909) 228- 7968. Mexican Train Things are slowly but surely opening up a little, and by the time you read this article we might very well be playing at The Lodge again. Our community has seen many changes during the past year; friends moving away and new residents moving in. I look forward to seeing our regular Mexican Train players return and hope that we will have many new players come join the fun. Meanwhile stay safe and well, and remember that we play on Tuesday evenings at 6 pm in The Lodge Multipurpose Room. For more information, contact Bobbie Davis at (951) 223- 3836 or Poker Mondays and Thursdays at 12 pm in the Multipurpose room. Come join us! Scrabble By the time you read this article, we might possibly be playing at The Lodge again. I certainly hope that is the case. The Scrabble group is rather small, but with many new residents in the community, we look forward to having more of our neighbors come join us. Under normal circumstances, we meet on Monday afternoons at 3:30 pm in The Lodge Multipurpose Room. Meanwhile please stay safe and well, and keep those brains sharp! For more information, contact Bobbie Davis at (951) 223-3836 or

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