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The Colony News July 2021

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32 | THE COLONY NEWS | JULY 2021 | The Colony News is the Official Publication of the The Colony Homeowners Association COLONY PHOTOS WANTED! We're looking for cover photos that capture the beauty of The Colony. Please take pictures of amazing vistas that capture the reason why The Colony is the best place to live. If you would like to submit a photo for the cover of your community magazine, please keep the following guidelines in mind: • Vertical format is preferred • Simple, uncluttered photos work best • Digital photos are requested at high resolution, five megapixels or higher • Send jpeg format photos to If you have any questions, please call Courtney Taylor at (909) 797-3647. TO ADVERTISE IN THE COLONY NEWS If you would like to advertise in The Colony News, please contact Stacey Parr at Image Up Advertising & Design at (909) 797-3647, on her cell phone at (909) 435-5042, or email her at Photo by Val Ching The Colony News © 2021 677-4902 • RULES FOR SUBMITTING ARTICLES Managing Editor ........................................ Jeanne Bender Board Meeting Highlights ............................ Joyce Hansen Associate Editor ........................................... Joyce Hansen Associate Editor .............................................Betty Oehler Editor Emeritus ............................................ Carol Swanke Board of Directors Liaison .......................... Walt Bowman Publisher ......................... Image Up Advertising & Design 909-797-3647 TO ADVERTISE, CALL STACEY PARR AT 909-435-5042 • The Colony News is the official publication of The Colony Homeowners Association. • Articles are due on the 5th of each month for the following month's publication. • Articles submitted to The Colony News must have the name and phone number of the author. • Articles should be submitted in Microsoft Word and emailed to • Articles are limited to 300 words. Exceptions may be made for Board members, HOA management and staff, Committee chairs, feature writers, and special articles, when necessary. • Photos are welcome. Please submit up to three photos with your article. They must be high resolution (300 dpi, usually larger than 2 MB). • The Colony News reserves the right to print only objective articles of general interest which are not commercial, political, or religious in nature. Further, articles must be in good taste, factual, non-controversial, not currently under consideration by the Board, and not demeaning to The Colony, as determined by The Colony News Staff. • The Colony News welcomes all contributions but does not guarantee publication. All items are subject to editing. • Articles printed do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Colony News staff or The Colony HOA. • Advertisements herein do not carry any endorsement, actual or implied. The Colony News, The Colony HOA, and Image Up Advertising & Design are not responsible for or liable for damage occasioned through the use of services or products advertised in The Colony News. • Contents of this magazine, including all text and photos, are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without express permission of The Colony HOA and/or Image Up Advertising & Design. The Colony News Magazine Staff

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