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Solera Diamond Valley View August 2021

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By Linda Weiss, Resident When the COVID pandemic started back in January of 2020, with the mask wearing, the stay-at-home order and the social distancing, I was able to maintain my sanity by taking my sweet little three-legged dog Cessa for a walk every time I felt like the walls were closing in on me. However, by April, Cessa's health had failed, and she passed on to a better place. That left me at home with no place to go, trying to manage my grief with no outlet or distraction, feeling terribly depressed. Going out for a walk only left me more aware of her absence. Even with my husband home with me, the house felt empty and cold. It took me many weeks to stop crying at the drop of a hat. By the end of June, my sweet, dear husband felt it was time for me to come out of my depression. He decided to find me a walking partner. I don't know how he did it, but he found a dog at the pound that needed me as much as I needed it. He brought home a beautiful little dog that we named Pepper. She has brought me all the love and affection I could ever want. She has attached herself to me and knows when I need her like no other pet we have ever had. She follows me from room to room. If she can't find me, she will go and hide until she sees or hears me and then come out of hiding. When I get close to her when she is sleeping, she will roll over so I can scratch her tummy. She seems to be able to sense when I need her to sit in my lap or a cuddle or a lick to the face. I never understood what an emotional support pet was until we adopted Pepper. I call her Pepper, the rescue dog that rescued me. We only seem to have one little problem with our new sweet little puppy. When Pepper and I are alone in a room and Chuck enters, she wants to growl at him. We think she is jealous of Chuck. Oh well, at least I can tell Chuck that Pepper won't ever allow me to bring any strange men home! Pet of the Month Interview Comedy Night! 12 SOLERA DIAMOND VALLEY | AUGUST 2021

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