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Solera Diamond Valley View November 2021

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4 SOLERA DIAMOND VALLEY | NOVEMBER 2021 Happy November! My favorite month of the year is officially here, I may be a little biased as it's my birthday month. I'm sad to see Halloween has come and gone, but there is still some really fun things up and coming for the remainder of the year. October's meetings with the Volunteer Group, Recreation Committee and Communications Committee were productive as the remainder of the year is officially underway and discussion of 2022 is starting to commence. I truly enjoy working with these members on discussing our upcoming events and helping put together this magazine. We kicked off October with a lively Oktoberfest Beer Tasting. I saw many new faces at this event and was so happy to see everyone truly enjoying themselves. Tom, our wonderful vendor, taught us about the history of Oktoberfest and the residents tasted their way through eleven different beers. We had a few prize winners from the raffle Tom hosted and everyone went home with a fun gift. Also in the month of October we had the Red Cross here for a Blood Drive, a Halloween Dog Costume Contest and Parade and of course our Halloween Bash. Keep your eyes peeled for photos of these events in the December 2021 issue of The View. On Friday, November 5, 2021 there is a free Health Fair happening in The Lodge, come on by for a blood pressure check, spinal exam, BMI and more. This event will offer a large amount of helpful information and resources. We have the Purple Easel hosting a Paint & Sip Night on Monday, November 15, 2021 for a fall themed painting. Jonnie Fox & the Satinettes will be making an appearance for our Lounge Night scheduled on Friday, November 19, 2021, they've been a huge hit here at SDV in the past and they perform all over locally and are well known and loved. I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events. I hope you are all ready for what's to come in November and December. We are going to be jammed packed with fun activities, parties, and events in The Lodge. I would like to express a special thank you to our volunteers that have been so helpful at our most recent events and for all that's to come, and for their time and efforts in decorating our Lodge with holiday decor. Lifestyle Report By Sam Kendig The CAC will need at least two new members following planned departures after the first of the year. The only requirements are attendance at monthly meetings and submission of at least one article per month (unless you have an excuse). You can find a committee application form on the community website or pick up a copy at the front desk. We also ask that you consider the following writing guidelines: How to Write Good 1. Avoid alliteration. Always. 2. Prepositions are not words to end sentences with. 3. Avoid cliches like the plague. They're old hat. 4. Don't forget to use spell chck. 5. Be more or less specific. 6. Writers should never generalize. Seven: Be consistent. 8. Don't be redundant; don't use more words than necessary; it's highly superfluous. 9. Who needs rhetorical questions? 10. Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement. Seeking New Members for Communications Advisory Committee • The tile floors and Ballroom hardwood floor are scheduled to be cleaned and polished before the end of the year. • The carpets in The Lodge are also scheduled to be shampooed before the end of the year. • Our Landscaping Vendor is working on replacing many of the missing or dying trees and bushes along the Paseos and Common Area. • Our Lighting Vendor is working on replacing and fixing many of the inoperable light fixtures around the community. • All the water fountains have been fixed and the water pressure has been adjusted to allow for a higher flow. • DRC meeting is on Nov. 17 due to Thanksgiving holiday, all Home Improvement Applications are due by Nov. 10. COMMUNITY UPDATES

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