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Life in Solera January 2022

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| LIFE IN SOLERA | JANUARY 2022 | 7 CTAC Presents Surf the Web: Our Solera Website Communication & Technology Advisory Committee (CTAC) The Solera Website ( has many features chosen to meet the needs of the Solera community. This month, CTAC has chosen to feature the Solera Oak Valley Greens Guest Pass Request. This feature makes it convenient for your guests or vendors to enter the community. Failure to contact the front gate and make this request can result in your guest having to wait an undesirable and frustrating amount of time prior to entering. This can also delay other guests and vendors from entering. You can help to reduce long lines at the front gate! To request a gate pass, click on the "The Community" link on the homepage and then select "Guest Pass Request." This will explain your options: If your guest or vendor will be arriving soon, a phone number is provided so you can contact the gate. (845-8648) Otherwise, you can complete the simple online form to request a pass. ~ Dennis Rice, CTAC Chairperson The Communications and Technology Advisory Committee (CTAC) has been busy. The committee is looking at several of our existing communication methods, potential new communication methods, and the technology and support mechanisms that supports these methods. Some of the areas with which we are concentrating include: • Audio improvements in the Oakmont Rooms in order to improve acoustics and reduce "noise." • Potential improvements to the Solera website (www.SoleraOVG. com). • A potential management BLOG. • An upgrade to the television sets in the Oakmont Clubhouse to accommodate streaming and other modern features. • Potential improvements to our Life in Solera magazine. • Improvements in how residents can participate or view Board Meetings and other meetings/events. • And many other communication related issues. As this article is being made available, we will be completing our CTAC COMMUNICATION SURVEY. The results of the survey will be made available to all residents in the February Life in Solera magazine. The Committee appreciates very much those who took the time to complete this important survey. Please feel free to keep up with the Committee's activities, visit our website at If you are interested in being involved with the CTAC, please complete an Interest Form that can be picked up at the front desk or accessed online via There are currently two openings on the Committee. "Effective communication; a key ingredient in building trust and harmony." Entry Into Solera By Sue Karalun When entering the Golf Club, Brookside, Snowberry, and Old Wood gates, please be aware of cars behind you trying to tailgate into our community. This is an ongoing problem and residents can help stop someone without a valid entry pass from gaining access through the above gates by being aware, going slow and not allowing another vehicle to follow you into the community. If you have a car on your tail at the gate, a quick look in your rear view mirror can show if the vehicle has the Solera circle decal. A good practice is to go through the gate slowly, then stop and wait for the arms to close. This will prevent someone from tailgating behind you. Residents… please wait at the stop line and let the car in front of you go through the gate before you proceed to enter the community. Please give guests, vendors and service providers the address to the Main Gate for entry into their GPS. Explain that giving them your home address only may not direct them to the Main Gate for entry. The Main Gate address is 1550 Fairway Drive Beaumont, CA 92223.

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