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Sun Lakes Lifestyles February 2022

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8 | SUN LAKES LIFESTYLES | FEBRUARY 2022 | We are getting close to that time of the year again when we exercise our right to vote for our neighbors who will govern us. Each year our voter count dwindles. Please don't tell me it is a lot of work to review the ballot and make selections. Operating our complex is the same as running a small town. The Board of Directors has the obligation of caring for our financial well being and our lifestyle. They handle the finances of our complex, invest our funds, and maintain all of our assets. Further, they oversee our lifestyle by enacting the needed rules and regulations that affect our everyday life. With 3,327 homes and over 6,000 residents living at Sun Lakes, it takes a lot of hard work to maintain tranquility and harmony. Over the years, we have been fortunate to have competent residents on the Board. We hope that situation continues in the future. There will be three open positions this year. Make informed selections. The Candidates Forum will be held the early part of March. Please attend the forum and hear and see the candidates speak or watch the Forum on Channel 97 on the television, then cast your ballot. The April elections are not just about the Board of Directors, but each district must elect a District Delegate and an Alternate Delegate. We continue to need viable candidates for these positions in many Districts. The present Assembly has worked well together, it would be great if all Delegates and Alternate Delegates continued in office. The District Delegate and his or her group of volunteers operate your district, schedule and run the events and parties, write and publish a newsletter informing you of what is going on in our complex, and represent you in the District Delegate Assembly. The Delegates are elected for two years and have a difficult time finding replacements after they have held office for a few years. It may seem like a lot of work, but the District Delegate has the help of an Alternate Delegate, Zone Captains, and other volunteers. Over the last few years it appears many of our new residents are still working and have little time to volunteer. This situation, together with many of our residents who have volunteered over and over again, makes it very difficult to fill the needed positions. However, we are aware there are many in our community who have the talent, the time, and are well equipped to be a candidate for the Board of Directors or for District Delegate or Alternate Delegate, but will not offer their services. It is about time to raise your hand and say — "COUNT ME IN!" DISTRICT DELEGATE ASSEMBLY REPORT THIS SMALL TOWN NEEDS YOUR PARTICIPATION By Joe Formino, Chairman, District Delegate Assembly As with any planned community, we all must be prepared for possible emergency situations. EPAP has a plan to cope with both natural and man-made disasters. This plan is the Emergency Preparedness Action Plan or simply EPAP. EPAP is led by an Executive Team, consisting of three volunteers who coordinate the various activities of the Organization in Sun Lakes. This includes resident EPAP groups in each District, and functional groups at the Operations Center, such as Radio Communications. Each of our 23 Districts in Sun Lakes has an EPAP coordinator who is in charge of emergency preparedness for the District; Zone Captains who check on their neighborhood to be sure residents are safe after an event; Medical Rescue Teams who are trained to serve as first responders, and a Program Manager who keeps track of the status of all residents. EPAP has its own Operations Center known as the "EOC." From this location, emergency incidents can be coordinated within Sun Lakes and with City and County agencies. Functional Units at the EOC provide event management support such as Radio Communications, Public Information, Medical Director and Supplies, EPAP Patrol, Records and Incident Coordination. Many of these functions urgently need personnel to staff our Units. If you or someone you know in Sun Lakes might be able to help, we would like to hear from you. Please call EPAP at (951) 524-3126. Like any other plan, the EPAP Plan is only as good as the people who work to maintain it and are prepared to implement it, if and when that time comes. In other words, for this plan to be successful, it must have the continuing support of all Sun Lakes residents!

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