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Four Seasons Beaumont Breeze February 2022

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38 FOUR SEASONS BREEZE | FEBRUARY 2022 In light of the changing COVID-19 situation, the club postponed January in-person meetings. This is due to the increase in breakthrough COVID-19 cases. We re-evaluated conditions at the end of January for a possible meeting in February. We will let everyone know the schedule via email and the Daily Report. Last month the club restarted our twice-a-month Work Study Group via Zoom meetings. The Work-Study group meets via Zoom on the second and fourth Thursday at 4 pm. The sessions cover planning future club activities and photo editing in Adobe Photoshop and related programs. Also, the club is addressing rescheduled events and planning photo outings for the coming year. If you have a photography question, you are always welcome to join us. Contact Jacque for meeting times and dates for the Work-Study Group. This month's photos are a couple of nature photos taken during the last months of 2021 when travel and outings were a bit more accessible. If you have not received our emails, contact Jacque Sneddon at She will be happy to add you to the mailing list. ~ John Baeyertz, Photography Club Writers' Club Our Mission for 2022 "On a bright autumn afternoon, eight writers of our Four- Seasons community gathered in a comfortable conference room. An assortment of books, articles, and papers was scattered before them. Their note pads and pens were at the ready, but the pace was plodding, for everyone had failed to bring the wine! Those assembled were forced to face their task without a liquid enticement. They were there to define the group's mission for 2022. "Strange things can happen when writers gather. Filled with good ideas, topics of interest, and opinions, the writers took turns sharing their own immediate interests for the coming year. Frequently those desires were driven by some aspect of their current projects. Although their concerns and wishes varied initially, they eventually drifted back into a single theme. Their unifying purpose for 2022 would continue to be: to assist, support, and encourage one another to improve their craft as writers. "Okay, it really isn't all that strange, but would you have continued to read this if I had started off just making that statement? "Writing is a craft to inform and entertain. As with all good journeys, we learn much about ourselves as we ponder our world and then form the lines we hope to share with others. Very likely, you have your own story to tell. You may have poems to share with a larger audience. Perhaps you have an idea for the next great American novel. If you have the urge to share your stories and insights through the written word, then we are the group you seek. "If you are a seasoned pro, a struggling novice, or like me, the one whose high school English teacher would faint if he heard you are now a writer, join us. Add your voice. Share with us and learn from your fellow writers. United, we will improve our craft and learn the ins and outs of becoming published writers." ~ Dave Moreland Join us on Feb. 10 at 4 pm in the RCN for the first in a series of Four Seasons literary events, "Evenings with the Author" featuring Mary Lynn Archibald, award-winning memoir author and Four Seasons resident, reading from her latest book, Sir, I'm Not That Kind of Girl: Goody Two-Shoes Goes to Town. The Writers' Club meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 1 pm in an RCN Conference Room. For info, email mlarchibald@mac. com. ~ Ricardo Suarez-Gartner Top: Spider at the Plantation Garden, Maui, Hawaii by John Baeyertz Bottom: Cheetah at the Living Desert Museum in Palm Desert by Bill Christelman

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