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Four Seasons Beaumont Breeze April 2022

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6 FOUR SEASONS BREEZE | APRIL 2022 GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT By Eric Zarr BOARD OF DIRECTORS DAY TIME Executive Session 4/14 9a General Session 4/14 1p Committee Chairs 4/11 9a SUB-BOARDS Canine Corral Council 4/7 10a Communications Board 4/10 10a Technical Operations Board TBD See Daily Report COMMITTEES Architectural Review 4/6, 20 8:30a Community Planning 4/28 9a Emergency Prep (EPC) 4/22 11a Facilities 4/13 9a Finance 4/26 1p Landscape 4/19 1p Safety 4/5 10a Social 4/5 1p Meetings BOARD ELECTION UPDATE There are two main ways in Civil Code for an association to send notices to homeowners. The first is by Individual Notice that generally means to send something via United States Postal Service (USPS) first-class mail. The second is by General Notice that lets an association post to a bulletin board or in some other public spot, if noted in the Annual Policy and Budget Statement (which we do). While Civil Code and our election rules allow for Election by Acclamation, we would have to send out the Nomination Procedure by Individual Notice. Civil Code changed recently to allow all associations to use Election by Acclamation. Previously this was open only to an association with 5,000 or more homes. We updated our Election Rules earlier this year to align with Civil Code. However, for an association to use this method of election, Civil Code requires an association to send the Board Nomination Form and Procedure out via Individual Notice. We would have had to send this out late last year; however, our Election Rules at the time did not allow for this. As such, while there are only three qualified candidates on the ballot, homeowners will still receive a ballot to vote. Please make sure to return your completed ballot at The Lodge or in the mail with a stamp, since we will not be pre-stamping the return envelopes. Also, a reminder that cumulative voting and Districts were removed through the recent CC&R change. So while there are four openings and each home has four votes, only one vote per candidate is allowed. While there are no District Delegates, we will have District information to help sort through the ballots. Candidate Statements for the upcoming Board election are printed on pages 8-10 of this issue of the Breeze. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT HOMEOWNERS VOTE. SINCE THERE HOMEOWNERS VOTE. SINCE THERE ARE NO DISTRICT DELEGATES ARE NO DISTRICT DELEGATES TO CAST BALLOTS, THE ENTIRE TO CAST BALLOTS, THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY MUST PARTICIPATE IN COMMUNITY MUST PARTICIPATE IN ORDER TO REACH A QUORUM. ORDER TO REACH A QUORUM. GATE ACCESS ON HOLIDAYS Holiday weekends are a time when friends and family gather together, oftentimes here in the community. While that is great, a by-product of more vehicles and guests coming through the Potrero Guard House is that it will get quite backed up. We would like to test something new over the next few months where owners do not use the main gate, but use the Crooked Creek and Breckenridge gates. When an owner comes through the main gate, the post orders for the attendants are that owners have priority. If you have ever been a passenger with a guest and need to be let in by the attendant, you would know that this process can have you waiting for quite a while. We will put out reminders of this in the Daily Report as well for those holiday weekends.

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