TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)
With the hot summer drawing to a close and cooler days ahead,
we have to remember that we don't just "fall" into healthy habits – we
have to make a conscious effort to establish them. Fall can be the
perfect time to start your weight-loss journey.
TOPS offers programs about nutrition, exercise, wellness and
more. Our chapter provides ongoing support and encouragement
to members no matter where they are in their weight-loss journey.
TOPS changes lives!
TOPS is affordable at $49 a year for new members plus $3 monthly
chapter dues which includes a "My Day One: (a quick-start guide)
and six TOPS magazines a year. You also have library and more.
We invite you to visit our TOPS chapter once free of charge. We
meet at the South Clubhouse on Thursdays with weigh-ins from 9 to
9:50 am and meeting from 10 to 11 am.
Best Losers for the month are: Suzy Hodgkinson, Joyce Krueger,
Leonard Peck, Lori Bell, Donna Boatman, John Hasha, Georgia
Williams, and Darline Indacochea. KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly)
in good standing are: Yvonne Adams, Peggy Andrews, Alma Bolla,
Linda Callahan, Bea DiMatteo, Terry Foster, Lynne Haman, Agna
Harper, Rennie Harrison, Marla Henrich, Carol Kreckow, Donna
Leone, Darleen Moxon, Lorraine Ness, Jan Prindle, Ruth Schoonover,
Bernie Smith, and Rosalee Strong.
Congratulations to all our TOPS and KOPS.
We would like to congratulate Peggy Andrews and Bernie Smith
for reaching their TOPS Goal weight and becoming our newest KOPS
(Keep Off Pounds Sensibly). We are so proud of you.
Do you know that TOPS supports obesity research? TOPS has
funded more than $8 million from member donations in the clinical
study and research into obesity and its causes with an eye toward
safe, effective treatment.
For information about TOPS, call Rosalee at (951) 855-2836.