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The Colony News October 2022

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| THE COLONY NEWS | OCTOBER 2022 | 9 for the year were in accordance with the GAAP standards. The Board approved the Audit and Tax Preparation as submitted. Amendment to Rule 14.3 Architectural Application Date and Time for Submission, Final Approval: Adopted as presented below: The ACC will review and act upon the application within 30 to 40 days, depending on when the application is submitted in relation to the time of the ACC's new meeting. The deadline for submitting forms for review by the ACC is 4 pm the Thursday before the next regularly scheduled meeting. The time period runs only when a complete application has been submitted. In some cases, the ACC may ask for additional information. In those cases that do not meet the Architectural Standards, or the criteria of the CC&Rs, the ACC will disapprove the application. Proposed Article 10 – General Elections and Voting Procedures, 10.2 Qualification and Nomination of Directors, Final Approval: Adopted as submitted below: 10.2.12 Candidates for the Board need to ensure that if elected, they will be able to comply with the duties of Board members, including the duty to keep certain information confidential. This means that even if a Board member has a duty to another person through a business relationship, the Board member cannot divulge confidential Association information to that person. As an example, a Board member who is a real estate agent or lawyer may have clients who are members of the Association or persons who are potential purchasers of a home in The Colony. This may create potential competing duties if a Board member receives information as a Board member that could be material to the Board member's client. In this situation, the Board member will be in the potential position of breaching a duty to either the Association or the client. Resignation of Mary Ann Plummer, Access Control and Safety Committee: Accepted with regret. Resignation of Manny Gomez, Emergency Preparedness Committee: Accepted with regret. Resignation of Diana Reeves, Rules and Regulations Committee: Accepted with regret. Announcement of New Name of Boulder Corner located on Avenida Florita and Colony Drive: On behalf of the Landscape Advisory Committee, Board Liaison Sailer informed the membership that after reviewing over 200 resident submissions, the LAC proudly selected the "Fountain Corner" as the new name of the sitting area on the corner of Avenida Florita and Colony Drive. Ratification of the Environmental Concepts Landscape Maintenance Luncheon: The Board ratified their August 4 ruling to provide an Appreciation Luncheon for ECLM employees for all of their hard work and dedication to maintaining the community's landscape. The luncheon will be provided by MSR Mexican Restaurant at a cost not to exceed $627. Sports Court Rules, 30 Day Member Comment: Tabled for further rule clarification. 5.5.5 and 5.5.6 Holiday Décor Lighting, 30-Day Member Comment: The Rules and Regulations Committee amended the existing 5.5.5 and 5.5.6 Holiday Décor Lighting rules to include placement of Holiday lighting. The Board approved the rules for 30-Day Member Comment. Members can reference the proposed rule amendments on page 11 of The Colony News. Recreational Vehicle (RV) Rules, 30- Day Member Comment: The proposed Recreational Vehicle (RV) rules were approved by the Board for 30-Day Member Comment. Members can reference the proposed rule amendments on page 11 of The Colony News. 15.4.1 Wrought Iron Fencing and 15.4.2 Mesh Barriers Rules Amendment, 30-Day Member Comment: The Architectural Control Committee amended 15.4.1 Wrought Iron Fencing and 15.4.2 Mesh Barriers Rules for Board consideration. The Board tabled the matter to ensure both neighbors are required to sign off and acknowledge installation. 15.18 Lattice Work Rule Amendment, 30-Day Member Comment: The Architectural Control Committee amended the 15.18 Lattice Work Rule. The Board approved the rule for 30-Day Member Comment. Members can reference the proposed rule amendments on page 11 of The Colony News. Committee Charters: Amended and approved all of the Association Committee Charters to make them more uniform with one another with the exception of responsibilities. The Communications Committee Charter will be approved upon approval of Committee name change. 2022 Asphalt Rehabilitation Project: At the May 19 General Session, the Board authorized Associated Engineer Consultants to review The Colony's roadways and prepare bid specifications for the 2022 asphalt work as outlined in the Association's Multi-Year Asphalt Rehabilitation Program. AEC requested proposals from 5 qualified asphalt companies and 3 were returned. Approved the proposal submitted by JB Bostick at a cost of $211,453.00 plus a $10,000.00 contingency for a total cost not to exceed $221,453.00. Front Yard Stone Mulch: The Landscape Advisory Committee would like the stone mulch (gravel/rock) removed that was installed before the present Landscape Standards and Guidelines prohibiting stone mulch were in place. Since the homeowners originally paid for the stone mulch, the LAC believes the HOA should pay to remove and replace with the Colony's approved front yard mulch. Approved. Research Front Yard Turf Removal (due to Drought): The Landscape Advisory Committee recommended the Board authorize HOA management, Environmental Concepts Landscape Maintenance (ECLM) and the LAC to investigate current water district rebates offered for removing front yard turf through SoCal Water Smart. With the current drought and water restrictions, Board highlights, continued from previous page Board highlights, continued on next page

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