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Ocean Hills CC Living October 2022

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| OHCC LIVING | OCTOBER 2022 | 3 President's Message By Greg Kusiak, HOA President (2022-2023) We suffered very little damage from the remnants of Hurricane Kay which tormented us for a few days early in September. In the mountains and along the eastern slope foothills there was a lot more wind and water and damage. As a mixed blessing, the storm also helped slow some local area wildfires. While we received as much rainfall from this single storm as we normally average for all of June through September, it wasn't much — only about 1/3". Still, the natural rainfall will be very beneficial for all of our common area landscaping. This is not so much for its volume but because it washes salts off the grass roots. As for the mega-drought, it didn't even put a small dent in it. We are moving slowly toward the change in sponsorship of the aging security system on March 31. We are confirming a new sponsor and the modest cost to those who wish to continue it. Others may choose from various robust systems which are currently available in the private market, many of which do not require the expense of a landline. Also, those new systems detect sound and can be activated by voice; they do not require one to make it to a wall control and push a button. We are planning a town hall meeting in November to explain the various alternatives and handle questions. This will still leave over four months before the changeover occurs. The unavailability of plants has thwarted the completion of the new front monument landscaping. Fortunately, the Garden Club has stepped up and donated and installed flowers which provide a welcome enhancement to our entrance. Thank you, Garden Club, and thank you to our recently recognized volunteer of the year, Jeanne Brantman, for making this happen. The Garden Club continues, year after year, its successful effort to make OHCC a more beautiful place to live. Like most native-born Americans, I have little regard for monarchies in general. However, as a spouse of a native Briton, I have nonetheless paid unusual attention to the monarchy of the United Kingdom. The recent passing of Queen Elizabeth saddens me not only because it saddens her people, but also because she set such a wonderful example as a symbolic leader. Her steadfast avoidance of factionalism and her clear minded focus on the greater good have set a standard for leadership. Although she was paid handsomely for her service and HOA leaders are not, nonetheless we can model her behavior to the benefit of ourselves as leaders and the greater good of our organizations. The Board met in executive session on Sept. 12 to review contract, legal and disciplinary matters and to review delinquencies and took the following actions: • Approved the minutes of the executive session meeting of Aug.15 • Approved the recommendations of the Citation Review Committee to levy two fines for failures to stop at a STOP sign and declined to approve a third • Reviewed damages to exit gate arms from vehicles running through without stopping • Reviewed the status of the golf course contract with Candyl Golf Group, Inc. • Reviewed the potential terms of several contract renewals • Reviewed delinquencies for action in open session and approved filing a pre-lien notice • Denied a request to forgive a $150 filing fee • Reviewed a violation issue forwarded by ARC on the use of lattice • Approved a process to enforce compliance with vehicle registration requirements • Reviewed various other legal matters Our regular monthly meeting for September was held on Thursday the 15th but was after the publication deadline. It will be covered in the President's Report for November. On a personal note, I will be out of the country the first part of October. However, your Association will be in the good hands of your Board and Vice President Scott Goldwasser and your General Manager Gloria Todisco. Thank you for your continued support of your new volunteer Board and your interest in the affairs of your Association!

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