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16 SOLERA DIAMOND VALLEY | DECEMBER 2022 Submitted By, Linda Weiss, Resident Pets are members of your family. All too often, we take them for granted, like a piece of furniture that will always be there for you when you need it. That's not the way it is. They have a far more permanent place in your life. Let's take a look. When you've suffered a bad day at work, a cat or dog will greet you at the door or jump up into your lap as you kick off your shoes and flop down on the couch for a well-deserved escape from all the mayhem of the day. They will cuddle without question. It is as though they know they are needed to console and give you the warmth of love that only someone so devoted can render. Never, in the recent times have we needed a pet as we did throughout the current COVID pandemic. It is now an established fact that during that period, the adoption of pets soared. If you have a dog on a leash, it can improve your social life. The easiest way to engage in conversation is through a pet. That is especially true if you come in contact with another pet lover who is seeking a social connection. Everyone likes to talk about your furry companion. Go walking with your pet every day and you will soon have a little black book filled with the names, addresses and telephone numbers reflecting your new social life. According to a recent Australian study, United States pet owners are far and away more likely to be more prevalent in their neighborhoods than those who don't have or never owned a pet. Owning a personal pet can make you a better person because people with a pet are decidedly more noticeable. Consequently, they seem to be friendlier and easier to be around. Many married couples can trace their first date back to that stroll with their dogs. Many find the act of stroking a pet reduced stress and anxiety. It gives them a sense of security, assuring them that everything is okay. A dog's bark will alert someone living alone that he has your back. The presence of a barking dog, especially a large one, like a German Shepard, or Rottweiler, will keep a home invader far from your front door. Ever notice how anyone with a bird talks to their caged friend at mealtime? It doesn't matter that the flinty fellow doesn't understand a word they say; its owner is certain that the bird understands every word. Birds can be trained to tweet back. A boy and his dog have become a cliché. Ah, but it is more than that. A tot gains confidence and assurances from his little fido and as he grows, he will most likely consider that wonderful pet to be his best friend. Dogs and cats often grow to the ages of 18 or 20. With pets growing that old, you child learns responsibility earlier that one without a pet. We often hear stories of a boy's pet getting help for a child who as fallen into a hole or who is lost in the woods. When you go down to the shelter to adopt a pet, you may think you are rescuing it. Nine times out of ten, it is rescuing you from boredom, loneliness, loss or worse. Think what you will; that pet is bringing championship into your life. It is like starting over again with a new family member. You need that pet just as much as it needs you. Pets will rescue you from the doldrums of being lonely more than you can ever imagine. If you have a pet, cherish it. If you don't, get one and watch how quickly it puts a sparkle in your life. Just sayin'. Written by Rusty Strait, Senior Reporter, HSJ Chronicle THE IMPORTANCE OF PETS IN YOUR LIFE

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