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Ocean Hills CC Living December 2022

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6 | OHCC LIVING | DECEMBER 2022 | Remember this famous song from Ghostbusters? When I hear this song, not only does it remind me of the iconic movie, but also of SERT. Why do you ask? Because in case of an emergency, such as an earthquake, SERT will be there, and you DON'T even have to call them. Most of you are aware of the SERT drill conducted in October. That was your SERT team in action. The Emergency Response Team (ERT) was activated to practice their response in an actual emergency. How many communities can say they have an active group of volunteers ready to immediately respond to an emergency? SERT does not receive any direct financial support from the HOA. I repeat that… NONE! It relies on membership and donations to fund the supplies needed to prepare to help YOU in an emergency. That is why your membership is so vital to this OHCC service club. Do Dues Day is Jan. 14. Please consider joining/rejoining the SERT Club. In fact, you don't even need to wait until Do Dues Day. You can stop by the Clubhouse, fill out a membership form and leave your $10 check. Yes, only $10 per person, and your membership will be good through 2023! There is also a SERT lifetime membership available for $200 per person. In addition, every new member is eligible for a FREE Home Safety Survey. A trained SERT volunteer will review the safety aspects of your home with you. Don't delay, because "Who you gonna call?" The Perfect Holiday Gift: I can remember around this time of year I would ask my parents what they needed so we could buy them a holiday gift. Their answer was usually the same, "if we needed something we would have already purchased it." Well, lucky for them and not so lucky for us kids. This year, let me suggest a gift item that you may not think of when you get asked the holiday gift question. This year, in March, the HOA will be discontinuing the support for the Emergency Medical System which has become outdated. I know you all want to be safe, so, for a holiday gift, ask for a new home security and emergency alert system. There are several options on the market that range from $200-$300 and for an additional $60 a year offer 24/7 monitoring. These new systems are all Wi-Fi based, you can control them from your cell phone, and the real beauty is that you can activate them by your voice when at home. Say you fall in the shower and need help. You use your voice to activate the system and tell it to call for help. These systems also monitor your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, detect glass breakage, and for an additional expense you can tie them into remote motion activated cameras and front door surveillance units. Now that could be a gift that keeps on giving! Thank you all for your support of SERT. Please stay safe and Happy Holidays! Who You Gonna Call? As we begin the final month of 2022, I'd like to thank the Board of Directors, the Keystone staff and the residents of Ocean Hills for all of your support this past year. As a reminder, please ensure you walk your bicycle or E-bike when you are in the vicinity of the Clubhouse. If you operate a single rider cart or golf cart, please do so at a safe speed in the vicinity of the Clubhouse as a matter of safety. Pedestrians have little to no protection and preventing accidents and injuries is everyone's responsibility. Please be mindful of pedestrians and bicyclists in the community, especially around Leisure Village Way during the evening and early morning hours. Pedestrians and bicyclists are encouraged to wear either bright colored clothing or a reflective device to increase your visibility to motorists for everyone's safety. Please be aware that many map applications, such as Google Maps direct guests, contractors and service provides to the Back Gate on Shadowridge Drive, which is a resident only access point. Please be sure to instruct your guests, contractors and service providers by way of verbal instruction or if applicable by way of special instructions to access the community through the Front Gate on Cannon Road. If you have any questions, please let Community Patrol Services know. ~ Scott Lemieux, Director, OHCC Community Patrol Services Community Patrol Services Tom Porter, President Sue Porter, Membership Chair

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