Grandma's Closet
And, just like that, it's winter and the grandkids are chomping at the bit to visit. If you need some
stuff to accommodate the little ones, check out what we have to offer at Grandma's Closet. Your
continued generosity and support are truly appreciated.
We keep a list of people who have items to loan, their addresses and contact info, along with the
items they wish to share. When someone inquires about borrowing items, we'll supply the list, and
the donor and recipient can work out the details.
If you have items you wish to loan out (strollers, car seats, carriers, Pack 'n Play, high chair,
books, toys, games, puzzles, etc.), send an email to (NaomiBKatz@iCloud.com) and/or Lynn Bible
(LynnLBible@iCloud.com) enumerating those items and age-appropriateness, along with your
name, address, phone numbers and email address. That information will be added to the list.
If you find yourself in need of an item or two, please let Lynn or me know, and we will forward the
list to you. If your visiting grandchildren have left behind items you won't be needing for a while,
consider offering them for loan at Grandma's Closet.
Thank you so much for your attention and anticipated assistance. ~ Naomi B Katz and Lynn Bible
Do you need a temporary loan of medical equipment? Helping Hands maintains an inventory of wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, canes and
shower chairs for people living in Ocean Hills Country Club. Call one of the volunteers listed at the end of this article and we will deliver to
your door at no cost to you. You can help a neighbor in OHCC by donating a clean, serviceable item that you are no longer using to Helping
Hands. Check your storage areas for the items listed in this article. For info, call Tom Mazur at (760) 295-1006, Tim Wilbur at (760) 639-5221,
Gary Lucas at (760) 707-8363, Dolores Hofmann at (707) 339-0508, or Stan Katz at (760) 659-6931.
Helping Hands Group