Makua Hula
Happy New Year! As expressed on the islands of Hawaii, "Hau'oli
Makahiki Hou," pronounced (how-OH-lee mah-kah-hee-kee ho)
meaning "Hau'oli (happy) Makahiki (year) Hou (new)".
The Makua Hula dancers look forward to performing and hosting
a booth at the upcoming Jan. 14 Activities Day. If your New Year's
Resolution includes trying a new activity in 2023, we encourage
you to consider hula dancing. Hula dancing provides many health
benefits in multiple areas. The healthy impact to our body is due to
the low impact cardio workout. Hula dancing is also known to help
with motor skills and memory. Our favorite health benefit, however,
is the relaxation and friendships hula dancing provides. We hope you
stop by our booth and say "Aloha."
December was an exciting month for us. Makua Hula dancers
performed at several events. On Dec. 1, we performed at the Tree
Lighting Ceremony. It is always such a pleasure to perform and be
part of the great entertainment provided at this event. We hope you
were able to attend the festivities. District 12 hosted a Christmas
party along with other districts and Makua Hula dancers enjoyed
performing our newest dances. Performing for District Christmas
parties is so delightful. We also performed at the Chorale/Sun Lakes
Playhouse holiday party along with other performers and it was a
festive evening.
Once again, we were invited to perform at the Presbyterian Church
in Beaumont (photo below). Our instructor, Perla Williams, has taught
our group how to perform hula dancing to some of the more popular
hymns, and the parishioners who stopped by the recreation hall after
the services for refreshments and hula dancing entertainment were
thrilled to see and hear their favorite hymns performed Hawaiian
Our group is always looking for new ways to grow and expand our
choice of dances. If you are interested in having us perform for your
events or would like more information about our group, contact Perla
Williams at (951) 467-8339 or at pearlyshellsdancer@gmail.com.