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Sun Lakes Lifestyles January 2023

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| SUN LAKES LIFESTYLES | JANUARY 2023 | 55 In ancient Roman religion and myth, Janus is the god of beginnings, transitions, time, doorways, and endings. He is usually depicted having two faces with the ability to see both forward and backward, signaling that the start of the New Year is both a time for retrospect, and a moment for things that are forward looking. In retrospect, our Tennis Club Executive Board members wish to thank each one who contributed to a full range of activities and events in 2022. At our December Quarterly Meeting, our 2022 Executive Director, David Huetten, thanked each one who had an active role, including the other four members of the 2022 Executive Board: Wendy Seirup, Lillie Sims, Kim Jensen, and David Nethercott. Our primary attention in this first month of 2023, however, is primarily directed toward organizing events and activities in the New Year. We are grateful for newly elected leadership ready to do that important work. Those newly elected members of our Executive Board include: Chair – Bill Hendra; First VP – Mark Vanderpool; Second VP – Kim Jensen; Secretary – Bob Henrich; and, Treasurer – Lillie Sims. The first order of business for every member of the Tennis Club in the New Year is to register and pay for 2023 Club Membership. We continue to ask just $10. Registration forms are located at the entrance to the South Clubhouse. Membership is open to all Sun Lakers whether one is a tennis player or not. We function as a social club as well as furthering the game of tennis. Finally, our tennis pro, Phil Hazelton, offers a helpful Tennis Tip. According to Phil, the game of doubles is a game of fast exchanges and quick decisions. Should I poach, stay home, attack, or wait for better opportunity? Should I volley down the middle, or go for the alley? Many choices and often answers aren't absolute. Here's a no brainer. If you see your opponent staying in the back court (the baseline), attack, attack, attack! This will apply mental pressure mentally, and, hopefully, force your opponent to try a difficult shot. Remember to ask your local tennis pro for more information. And, always keep your eye on the ball and the fun in your game. Tennis

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