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Sun Lakes Lifestyles January 2023

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| SUN LAKES LIFESTYLES | JANUARY 2023 | 7 By Michele Walter Our Community Awareness Program is focused on keeping our community safe and to notify the proper authorities to resolve issues. We want to stay vigilant, keep an eye on our community and provide presentations to keep you informed. Our Nov. 21 presentation was supposed to be Veterans Affairs. Unfortunately, the presenter canceled. However, we made adjustments. There were many veterans in the audience, so we had each of them give what branch they were in, what they did, and a little about their military service. Hernan Rojas showed a brief video of the cleanup of the railroad tracks along the north side that was done in collaboration with Cal Trans, Union Pacific Railroad, and the Banning Police Department. They removed all the homeless, trash, debris, and shopping carts. Lt. Roman gave an update on the problems that Securitas is encountering on a daily basis. He gave an excellent presentation and answered questions from the audience. Bob Walter, President of the Master Board, answered questions regarding security and safety. Unfortunately, Banning Police Department was not there. They were busy addressing police matters. Our next program is Tues., Jan. 3 from 1 to 3 pm in the Main Clubhouse Ballroom. Officer Montes from the CHP will give a class on Safe Driving for seniors. This is a great class for everyone; it also includes tips/tricks for golf carts. After taking this short class, you can check with your car insurance company to see if you qualify for a discount. I have personally taken this class at Four Seasons. It is super informative and helpful. You won't want to miss this program. Please note that we have changed our monthly programs to the first Tuesday of each month. Since we have changed our days, our next program won't be out in time for the Lifestyles Magazine, so I am including our February program here. It will be on Feb. 7 at 1 pm in the Main Clubhouse Ballroom. Our guest speaker will be Correctional Captain, Alyssa Vernal from the Larry D. Smith Correctional Facility. We will have a question and answer period. Please make time to come and listen to Captain Vernal. SECURITY & PREVENTION TIPS: Innovating Illumination: It is helpful to install exterior lights that are activated by motion sensors. Burglars that are suddenly illuminated may flee. Upgrading your house to be a smart-home for security purposes may now be affordable. Consider lighting up an area automatically at specific times using smart light bulbs (inexpensive). Verify: Before turning your house key over to a professional house cleaner, make sure the person is honest and reputable as well as hardworking. Check all references thoroughly. If the house cleaner is from a firm, call your Better Business Bureau to check on the firm's reputation. Key Ring: Do not put your name and address on your key ring. If you lose your keys (and who hasn't), don't advertise your home location and provide access. Install Bump/Pick – Resistant Locks: Whether you prefer manual or electronic locks, make sure they have bump-resistant dead bolts. Bump-resistant locks are constructed with special pins that inhibit lock bumping — a lock-picking technique wherein intruders use a special type of key (bump key) that they can force into your lock and open almost any standard lock. Garage Security: If you frost or cover your garage windows, intruders may not be able to tell if your car is gone. PLEASE REPORT ANY SUSPICIOUS INDIVIDUALS, ACTIVITIES AND THEFTS DIRECTLY TO BANNING POLICE DEPARTMENT, CALL 911! I am asking everyone on behalf of Securitas to keep your garage doors closed. An open garage door is an open invitation to steal anything of value. A good idea is to check around 8 pm to make sure your garage door is closed, and all of your doors are locked. If you get in a regular habit of checking, you will feel much safer and Securitas will not have to call you at midnight. Securitas only does garage door checks from 8 pm to 12 midnight. Our Community Awareness Committee wishes everyone a safe, happy and healthy New Year. Hope to see everyone on Jan. 3. Let's all be informed and stay safe. For more information, please contact Michele Walter at (951) 202- 8009 or email Community Awareness Program

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