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Hemet Herald February 2023

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| Four Seasons Hemet Herald | FEBRUARY 2023 | 9 Facilities Committee The Facilities Committee helps the Four Seasons HOA implement changes and upgrades. When ideas are put forward, the committee does the research to determine the benefits, the best way to implement the idea, and to do it in a cost-effective manner. A good example of this is the recent installation of a solar electric system. This resulted from a lot of work to identify the benefits of such a system that was tailored to our needs and at no cost to the Association. Some of the projects the committee works on are big like the solar electric system and some are smaller like extra street lighting and more benches on our streets. The maintenance of our facilities may seem less exciting but consider our desire to keep the property as nice as we can and still keep the cost down. Part of the fiscal management of Four Seasons is the Reserve Fund that you see on the financial reports. Contributions to this fund are part of the annual budget. It is common knowledge that things will need to be repaired or replaced eventually and having fully-funded reserves means we can focus on getting components repaired or replaced instead of worrying about where the money is going to come from. The Facilities Committee does this by researching how long things like water heaters, pool pumps and carpeting will last from our current vendors and suppliers. Good information leads to better estimates of the needed reserves. The monitoring of the facilities which committee members do throughout the year, helps us perform timely repairs so we get the expected life out of our components. Repairs or replacements that are done in anticipation of failure save on repair costs which together with preventative maintenance, make the reserve funds go further. We want to avoid the problems unexpected repairs and failures cause. Our goal is to keep the facilities up while improving when we can. A well-maintained property retains its value. A well maintained HOA is beneficial to the property values of the individual homes. There will be a two-day Beginners Computer Class Wed., Feb. 8, and Thurs., Feb. 9. The Wednesday class will be held at 9 am (sharp) in the Game Room and will end around noon. The Thursday class will be held at 9 am in the Computer Room and end around noon. You need to attend both days. This is a course based on Microsoft Windows, Google Apps, and Android phone links. It does NOT cover Apple products, iPhone, or Mac. During the two days, you will learn about: • Windows 10 (Desktop, taskbar, action center, settings, keyboard, shortcuts) • Microsoft Account • Settings to make things easier for Senior Citizens. • Google (Setting up an account, Gmail, Chrome, Password manager, Google Pay, Contacts, Calendar, YouTube, Google Search, Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and more.) • Bookmarks and Shortcuts • Using Apps • About Microsoft Office/365 • Using Chrome browser to Search for anything on the web, access websites, sign into websites, and retrieve a lost password. • Using Cortana on Windows • Using File Explorer • Using Gmail • Using Password Manager on Chrome • Security: Windows Defender and Microsoft Defender • Linking your contacts, passwords, and bookmarks to your cell phone. • More There is a maximum of 18 students. First come, first served. This is a basic class for beginners so you don't need to get help from your grandchildren so often. Also, February is time to prepare for winter storms that create a higher risk of car accidents, hypothermia, frostbite, carbon monoxide poisoning, and heart attacks from overexertion. Winter storms including blizzards can bring extreme cold, freezing rain, snow, ice and high winds. Stay Safe During Winter Weather Alert - Warning: • Avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Only use generators and grills outdoors and away from windows. Never heat your home with a gas stovetop or oven. • Stay off roads if at all possible. If trapped in your car, then stay inside. • Limit your time outside. If you need to go outside, then wear layers of warm clothing. If traveling in the mountains watch for signs of frostbite and hypothermia. • Reduce the risk of a heart attack by avoiding overexertion. Find more information at If you would like to help check out for more information. Our Mission: The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program is designed to increase individual and community preparedness and self-reliance in the event of man-made or natural disasters. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has officially recognized CERT as an important part of a community's disaster preparedness readiness. Four Seasons CERT continues to need your participation. Become a Street Captain or CERT Auxiliary. Step up. Be a part of the best CERT in the valley, come make a difference. For more information visit Learn how to prepare at Plan. Prepare. Survive. You can help yourself. Emergency Preparedness

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