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Four Seasons Beaumont Breeze February 2023

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FOUR SEASONS BREEZE | FEBRUARY 2023 33 Our January meeting featured Sara Logan of the California Operation Life Saver. The group works with the Riverside County Transportation Commission and the information presented by Sara Logan will be a helpful source of information to our residents in our everyday lives. We all face the traffic issues, such as pedestrian and rail safety. The presentation was well attended by our residents who asked many questions relating to the topic. The next presentation will be by Union Pacific Railroad's representatives who will discuss the length of their trains, length of time the trains stop and block roadways, and backups caused by these stopped trains. This presentation will be on Wednesday, Feb. 11 at 10 am in The Lodge Ballroom. Please plan to attend. Now that we have begun a new year and have passed the holiday buying season, please stay alert for the numerous scams that seem to focus on mature adults. We continue to receive emails alleging to have been sent by Social Security requesting immediate action or information needed by them. Social Security sends letters in the mail delivered by the United States Postal Service. Even their verification can be made to ensure the letter and the return address for any information to be sent is in fact associated with the Social Security Administration. In addition, many residents have been getting emails from Amazon, FedEx, and UPS referencing undeliverable packages requiring additional personal information in order to have these packages delivered. Please do not give any personal or confidential information to any of the requests listed. Call Amazon, FedEx, and UPS to clarify information on any alleged undeliverable packages. Please be careful driving through our community and stop at all stop signs. As mentioned in last month's article, please yield to vehicles already in roundabouts, and observe the posted speeds in our community. It is 30 mph on Four Seasons Circle, 25 mph on residential streets, including Green Creek Trail, and the alleys at 15 mph. Thank you to our Block Captains and all the Neighborhood Watch members for all that you do to keep our community safe. Have a safe and healthy 2023. ~ Jerry Monahan, (951) 212-8898 Neighborhood Watch & Community Awareness February is "Heart Health Month," and we want to help educate you on how you can protect the most important organ in your body. There are many resources available to help you live a healthier lifestyle and ward off heart disease. Our heart is responsible for pumping oxygen and nutrient rich blood throughout our body. The heart muscle weighs between 8 and 12 ounces, and is divided into four chambers that coordinate to pump blood in and out of the heart. Oxygenated blood from the lungs is pumped throughout the body, contracting at 60 to 80 beats per minute. Heart disease occurs when the arteries in our body become clogged with plaque. Diseases that contribute to heart disease include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity and smoking. Statistics indicate that one in four deaths in the United States is attributed to heart disease. The best way to protect your heart is to stay active, lead a healthy lifestyle, eat a heart-healthy and balanced diet and reduce stress in your life. Celebrate "Heart Health Month" by taking time to educate yourself and your family about heart health risks, lifestyle changes, exercise and cooking healthy meals. There are many organizations that provide free information on how to maintain a healthy heart. The American Heart Association, The American Red Cross and The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have websites that provide ample information on how to protect your heart from disease. Also, schedule regular visits with your physician to discuss your health. Get trained in CPR and the use of a portable cardiac defibrillator should you be needed to assist a victim of cardiac arrest. Most importantly, if you experience chest pain, chest pressure or shortness of breath please call 911 immediately! ~ Submitted by Donna Gilbreth, Neighborhood Watch Steering Committee Member February Is "Heart Health Month…" How Are You Protecting Yours?

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