Bocce Club
As this article goes to the publisher, atmospheric rivers, torrential
mists and general rain have kept us off the courts since the holidays.
Just in case Do Dues Day was rained out for you, you can still join the
bocce club by dropping off a check at the front desk for $12 per member.
Membership forms are available at the front desk. If you need more
information, send an email to the club at BocceClub.OceanHills@gmail.
Mark your calendars to save May 5 for the Bocce Club's Cinco de Mayo
Party, and Oct. 7 for our annual Casino Night. The Cinco de Mayo party
will start on the lanai with cocktail hour and then moving inside for
dinner and dancing.
Weather permitting, we're still having the Wednesday afternoon drop-
in play. This is pure fun bocce where experienced players mix with new
and first-time players to show them the basics of the game. If you want
more training, send an email to the address above with the subject "Bocce
Training." We will add your name to the interest list.
December Bocce's: 15 - John Abdelaziz; 12 - Fran Goldstein, Mike
Simons; 10 - Wayne Disch; 9 - Bob Goldstein, Richard Pede; 5 - Gail
Alfonso, Mark Feinman, Skip Dunham; 4 - Al Lipitz, Ken Trogdon, Mary
Yotter; 3 - Pete Keilbach; 2 - Ellen Friedman, Joan Gross, Manny Morias,
Philip Torres, Robert Genat; 1 - Allen Wilson, Bill Crosby, Carroll Darr,
David Key, Doug Murray, Elaine McGushin, Felicity Swerdlow, Frank
Guellich, Gene Alexander, Grace Spencer, Judy McDaniel, Larry Bean, Lee
Sharp, Rita Fitzpatrick, Slava Grinshpun