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Sun Lakes Lifestyles March 2023

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| SUN LAKES LIFESTYLES | MARCH 2023 | | SUN LAKES LIFESTYLES | MARCH 2023 | 67 67 From Courtney, the publisher: Have you ever read a book that changed the trajectory of your life? It's a big thing for a book to do… and it happened to me. After college, I got a job in an ad- making sweatshop. I decided to re-read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, a book I'd attempted in high school. When I was 16, I thought, "This whole book is about trains… I don't care about trains," and stopped reading 20 pages in. This time I was older (a whopping 23) and in a different place in my life. The book inspired me to get out of my sweatshop job and start my own business. With fresh eyes, I discovered the book wasn't about trains after all. On this reading, I gleaned the message that doing the right thing and working hard leads to success — and success is never something to apologize for. I started my own business when I was 24 and haven't looked back in 30 years. I'm not a Dagny Taggart but am proud of the work I've done and the lessons I've learned. So here's my question to those of you who have read this far: What book has had an impact on your life? And why? Now back to the Get the Joke stuff: To win a free dinner, find the ad, article or just weird, out-of-place, completely made-up (and hopefully funny) item in this month's Lifestyles. When you find it, fill out the box below and (new!) EMAIL IT TO sunlakesnews@yahoo. com before noon on the sixth of the month. If you are the first correct guess chosen at random, you will win a free dinner. Good luck! Congratulations to this month's Dinner Winner: DOUG JENSEN Please call Kelly in the Admin. Office for your Sun Lakes Restaurant dinner. Doesn't sound like a bad idea, may possibly be the only solution. Although the city should foot the bill. Sun Lakers already paid for the Highland Springs underpass. Good luck with that … as lucky as getting a transport tube! Margaret W. The $950,000 assessment makes our latest SoCal Gas bill look reasonable. Beam me to WalMart, Scottie. Barbara C. Do we get a nifty little top hat if we use the Pneumatic Tube Transport? Since it will go under houses, will there be eventual entrances from our garage? Desmond D. Add another tube to go under the I-10 straight to Morongo Casino. Emily P. Beam me up, Scotty. Chris J. I would love this but the assessment cost is a bit high for my mad money budget! Sharon R. Sleek underground idea to get to San Gorgonio Hospital in 4.5 secs… but will take at least 5-10 minutes to load the tube. And $950 grand one-time assessment per resident? Hell no! Truly hilarious! Loved it! Al V. It took more time for Scotty to beam up Captain Kirk aboard the Enterprise in Star Trek. I, for one, find the cost of $950,000 too prohibitive. Doug J. Great idea, price is just a little beyond my one- time assessment. Robert S. I hope they make this… my assessment is in the mail. William R. Tu be or not Tu be that is the question. Some may believe that the prospect is a breath of fresh air. Others will say that the idea sucks. Victor G. I hope we don't need the tube transport and that we stop the warehouse! Karen D. So much fun looking for the joke. Mike S. I'd like to be in first class, please. Janice E. I can't afford the assessment. I'm moving. Jean B. Except for the cost, it would be cool if the idea could be reality. Brenda D. your comments: GET THE JOKE! I found the joke! Resident name (first & last): ________________________________________ This was the joke: _______________________________________________ Comments (we LOVE your notes - about anything!): _______________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Send your entry to or drop it at the Main Clubhouse SECRET CONTEST… FAVORITE FINAL SONG: Last month I asked what song you'd like to play at your celebration of life. Here are the entries. They'll each get a prize for participating in the secret contest. The Good Side Of Goodbye (sung by The Ball Brothers). Sharon Robinson That's Life (sung by Sinatra). Victor Gassman Bach - Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring. I love classical music! Mary Ann Melleby Alone Again Naturally. Audrey Iverson Last month's joke: Pneumatic Tube Transport To Be Installed

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