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Hemet Herald July 2023

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Golf Club From the President, Tom Moore: Please welcome Bob Levesque and Rhett Ocampo as new members to our Club! As we are now into summer, remember that we may be at risk of Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke. Below are the symptoms as defined by the Mayo Clinic: Heat Exhaustion • Dizziness or feeling faint • Sweating • Clammy skin • Nausea or vomiting • Rapid, weak pulse • Cramps Heat Stroke • Severe headache • No sweating • Body temp at 104 or above • Hot, dry skin • Nausea or vomiting • Rapid, strong pulse • Loss of consciousness Measures you can take to avoid these serious conditions: • Wear lightweight clothing made with "CoolMax", "DryMax" or some other high-tech fiber. • Wear a hat with a brim. • Drink plenty of fluids — ideally two to three hours before exposure to high temperatures. • Avoid alcoholic beverages and caffeine. • Take extra precautions with certain medications. • Take it easy during the hottest parts of the day. • Seek shade whenever possible. From the Rules Chair, Bill Swinney: Did you Know? Rule 14: Procedures for Ball Marking: Marking your ball on the green can be done in many ways. What's important to note is that however you choose to mark the ball you must follow the same procedure in reverse when replacing your ball. Failure to do so can result in a one stroke penalty. I oen see players who have been asked to mark their ball (prior to marking it) in an alternate position so as not to interfere with another player's line. ey will then use their ball as their starting point. ey place their putter head adjacent to the ball then put down a ball- marker. When it is their turn to putt they invariably use their ball-marker as their starting point to return it to its "original" position. is is incorrect as the ball has been returned to a position other than where it started. is may sound petty but rules are rules. From the Social Chair, Meredith Becker: e Four Seasons Golf Club is looking forward to another fun event, a BBQ & Pool Party on July 28… more details to follow! From the Tournament Chair, Elliot Yaeger: e July schedule is as follows: July 4, 7:30 am – Team Scramble July 4th Independence Day – Red, White and Blue July 11, 7:30 am – Team Best 2 Net Scores per hole Nine Hole Tournament July 18, 7:30 am – Partners Same Flight: Alternate Shot July 25 7:30 am – Individual: Low Net Blind Draw – Front or Back Holes, Chosen at the End | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | JULY 2023 | 27 Tai Chi You are invited to join a wonderful group of folks on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in the Ballroom, from 9:10 to 10 am for Tai Chi. ere is no experience necessary and chairs available as needed. e Harvard Health Medical School reports, "is gentle exercise can help maintain strength, flexibility and balance, and could be the perfect activity for the rest of your life." ere is no charge for the group, and you can come whenever you are available. We follow two videos and then do a set of movements to music. For more information, join us or call Steve or Peggy Cooper at (951) 599-0123.

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