Image Up Advertising & Design

Ocean Hills CC Living August 2023

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| OHCC LIVING | AUGUST 2023 | 9 Do you enjoy a walk-up Inspiration Hill to enjoy the lovely view and read the bricks that our residents have bought to memorialize veterans or family members or other community members that we want to honor? It is indeed a somewhat solemn place we chose to keep special with a natural lovely ambiance around it. Our desire for new plantings and color has been continuously thwarted by hungry rabbits, dysfunctional irrigation valves, and nurseries unable to deliver our choices of plants. As we are close to being able to provide new plantings, you can imagine our frustration with watching pet owners allowing their dogs to use the flower beds as a place to relieve themselves. It is especially upsetting with a dog park right next door and plenty of grassy areas in the overflow parking areas! We ask all to have respect for the solemnity of this space, to honor the purpose for which it was created and not let pets use the flower beds! By all means, walk them up the hill, but please walk them on the grassy areas first around the lot. ank you for your consideration to all those who have helped to create and use Inspiration Hill as a place to meditate, pray or just enjoy the view and not bothered by the smell of something other than the pleasant fragrances of Mother Nature. Landscape Committee e Committee presented a concept at the June Master Board meeting for a project to gather information from new residents. It was proposed that members of the IMC hold focus groups to ascertain the interests and views from a sample of our newer residents that would then be compiled for the Master Board. e concept was well received by the Board and residents in attendance. Focus groups were slated to begin in July. At our June 28 meeting, we discussed the resident comment cards that were received regarding the proposed tile samples for the remodel of the Casa restrooms that were on display in June at the Clubhouse Galleria. Resident responses were overwhelmingly opposed or neutral to the suggested tiles. Aer reviewing the comments, the IMC reviewed additional tile samples and approved a new tile combination that is now on display for further resident comment. e Committee is also sending out an e-blast inviting resident input through a brief survey on the website. Our objective is to gather as much resident input as possible so that the final project is something most residents feel reflects our overall Community design aesthetic. We welcome everyone's input once again. Additionally, we approved a recommendation to the Master Board for new holiday decor for 2023 that will be more inclusive of all residents, cost efficient and environmentally conscious. at recommendation was slated for the July Master Board meeting. e Committee continues to review ideas for improvements to the Clubhouse interior. We approved adding resident artwork to the Clubhouse reception area to replace the two prints that are currently installed. e art will be rotated every quarter beginning in July. e IMC continues to work with the Landscape Committee on front entry enhancements and plantings. We also continue to work on improving all resident communications vehicles and marketing communications. In addition to working with clubs and committees upon request, we also work closely with Property Management to enhance and improve our Community image to ensure consistency of our message and protect home values. Image & Marketing Committee

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