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Ocean Hills CC Living August 2023

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| OHCC LIVING | AUGUST 2023 | 3 President's Message By Greg Kusiak, HOA President (2022-2023) Summer may have been delayed by six weeks, but it finally appears to be here. For Ocean Hills, it means enjoying a long list of outdoor activities, although mid-day heat may change the popular times. It also means that our seasonal honeymoon with water use is over, and our water bill will increase by tens of thousands of dollars each month. While that is a lot of money, remember that it's also a lot of water. An inch of natural rainfall on our community is about ten million gallons, so it takes a lot of irrigation to make things grow through the typical dry season. Contrary to rumor, the bulk of HOA water is used on the landscaping around our homes. Only a fraction is used on the golf course, and that will be drastically reduced next season when well water is used. August is also when our community has its annual exercise in representative democracy via our Annual Meeting and the election of Directors on the third Thursday (this year the 17th). Each Director's term is two years, with three of those terms expiring in even years and four in odd years like 2023. You should already have received your ballot packet; if not, contact the HOA office immediately at (760) 758-7080. This is not just a process of punching small holes in a piece of paper. It is in your interest to understand your stake in the future of the HOA — how it impacts your lifestyle and your pocketbook — and to engage the candidates if you have questions. Far too often the HOA receives frantic emails or there are indignant social media posts about issues that were publicized and discussed openly months before. As my mother always told me "It doesn't help to slam the door after the horse is out of the barn." If you are surprised by an issue that the Board didn't address openly, shame on the Board (and we will rectify it); if it is a surprise because you neglected to be involved, shame on you. This same principle applies to us in the part of our worlds outside of these walls and gates. Understand the issues most important to you and let your elected representatives know your ideas and concerns. You can contact them as follows: United States Senate: • Dianne Feinstein: (202) 224-3841 • Alex Padilla: (202) 228- 3863 United States House of Representatives (49th District): • Mike Levin: (760) 599-5000 California State Senate (38th District) • Catherine Blakespeare: (760) 642-0809 California State Assembly (74th District) • Laurie Davies: (949) 240-7300 San Diego County Supervisor (5th District) • Jim Desmond (OHCC resident): (619) 531-5555, Oceanside City Council • Ryan Keim (Deputy Mayor): (760) 435-3048 The Regular Monthly Meeting for June was held on Thursday the 15th and the following actions were taken: • Approved the Minutes of May 18 • Approved the report of the Executive Finance Committee meeting of June 8 Continued on following page

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