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Sun Lakes Lifestyles August 2023

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10 | SUN LAKES LIFESTYLES | AUGUST 2023 | Joe is still recuperating, and has asked me to write this month's article in his absence. We miss you Joe; get well soon! Let's talk about the importance of obeying the speed limits in Sun Lakes, ensuring safety for all of the residents. This is an important topic that needs to be addressed. It certainly seems to be a very heated and controversial topic which is foremost on everyone's minds. So, let's discuss the benefits of well-being and overall safety to our residents that observing and obeying the rules of driving within Sun Lakes brings. As a member of Sun Lakes, it is crucial we prioritize safety and advocate for responsible driving practices. We share the road with golf carts, pedestrians, and cyclists, making it imperative to drive with caution and patience. However, one question lingers: why are we often in such a hurry? I would like to shed some light on this issue while emphasizing the importance of adopting safe driving habits within our gated community. In today's fast paced-world, the notion of rushing has become ingrained in our daily lives, we often find ourselves multitasking and trying to accomplish tasks within strict time frames. Unfortunately, this sense of urgency can spill over to our driving habits, compromising safety. I like to remind myself, I am retired, and I try to understand the hurry. Today's society places immense pressure on individuals to maintain busy schedules and meet our numerous commitments. This constant time pressure can create a sense of urgency that extends to our driving habits. We may be in a hurry to reach our destinations, which can lead to disregarding safety measures and the needs of others sharing the road with us. Another factor that contributes to our hurried driving is a lack of awareness of the specific needs and vulnerabilities within the community. We may fail to recognize that our fellow residents might have reduced mobility, slower reaction times, or impaired senses. Neglecting to adapt our driving behaviors to accommodate these factors can put everyone at risk. Impatience is a common human trait, and it manifests on the road as well. Encountering slow moving vehicles or traffic congestion can test our patience, prompting us to resort to aggressive driving behaviors. This impatience often leads to disregarding the safety of others, increasing the likelihood of accidents. It is time for Sun Lakes residents to make a conscious effort to drive safely within our community, prioritizing the well-being of everyone. Let's focus on cultivating patience as an essential virtue while driving, to develop a heightened awareness regarding the vulnerabilities and needs of others sharing the road, yield to pedestrians, cyclists, give golf carts ample space, adhere to posted speed limits, stop at all stop signs, eliminate distractions such as cell phones, eating or engaging in other activities, and focus on the road. By making a collective effort to drive safely we can ensure a safer and more harmonious experience for everyone sharing the road. ~ Raelene Kretchman, District 7 Delegate DISTRICT DELEGATE ASSEMBLY REPORT Drive Safely in Sun Lakes

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