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Sun Lakes Lifestyles August 2023

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| SUN LAKES LIFESTYLES | AUGUST 2023 | 11 By Janis Rice EPAP PIO It is 8 am, the first Monday of the month, and the EPAP Communications Team is conducting its monthly radio check. The Communications Director, Dick Heitman, a 21-year member, meets with the Team in the Sun Lakes EOC (Emergency Operations Center) headquarters. He makes sure the Team is ready for the drill, confirming all radios are turned on, tuned in, and paperwork is updated. With everyone in their places, Communications Unit Radio Operator, Brian O'Grady greets the Sun Lakes EPAP Coordinators and starts the roll call on the FRS (Family Radio Service) radio. Each of the 23 EPAP District Coordinators will confirm and reply "hear you loud and clear," from their FRS radio or walkie talkie. This test takes approximately 30 minutes. Also, during this monthly check-in, other radio checks are taking place. Dave Klaus (SL resident since 2005 and HAM radio operator since 1992) operates a dual-band VHF radio, used for communications with other HAM operators in the PASS area, the hospital EOC, other local EOCs, or individual Comm Unit HAM operators dispatched by the EPAP Incident Commander to a location in Sun Lakes. Jeff Burris, also a Sun Lakes resident, operates the multi-band HF / UHF / VHF radio. Depending on the frequency band used, two-way communications can be established with local area stations or to other HF stations. Jeff would be able to receive crucial information from just about anywhere in the world. Both require FCC Radio licensing. But why does the Sun Lakes' EPAP do radio checks? To begin with, it ensures that the Sun Lakes' radios and antennas are functioning correctly. It also gives the District EPAP Coordinators the opportunity to communicate on their FRS radios, practice the specific radio protocol, and makes sure they are comfortable with the procedure they would need to follow during the yearly drill or an emergency. Communicating with the District EPAP Coordinators is vitally important in the event of a major emergency. Being able to receive pertinent information during an emergency is vital to all the residents in the Sun Lakes Community. We at Sun Lakes are very fortunate to have such a well-rounded and experienced group of radio operators. The EPAP Executive Team would like to thank Dick, Brian, Dave, and Jeff for their volunteer service and dedication. We would also like to thank Dick Spaulding, Tina Neugebauer, John Treichler, and Mike Karpman. They too are FCC licensed HAM radio operators and are very capable of assisting or taking over if needed. We would like to introduce the newest member of the Communications Team, Barbara Jesus, serving as our Administrative Officer who manages our Communications Team within EPAP. We also thank our EPAP Coordinators and MRT's for volunteering and keeping our community prepared. They will be working with the District Zone Captains to get that information out to everyone in each District. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS SUN LAKES EPAP RADIO TEAM Dick Heitman Brian O'Grady Dick Spaulding Barbara Jesus Mike Karpman Dave Klaus Jeff Burris Monthly radio check at the Sun Lakes EOC

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