If you have seen an act of kindness or have received one, please share with the community. Let's spread gratitude!
Email your gratitude to or go to The Lodge Lobby and fill out a gratitude note
and put it in the box marked "The Box of Gratitude." Thank you.
Expreing Gtitude
I have been so blessed to have such caring, kind, and thoughtful block captains — Cheryl, Christi, Linda, Maureen,
Patricia, and Yvonne — who never miss all the happy occasions. ey put U.S. flags in the front yards on national
holidays and share delicious goody bags for birthdays and holidays. It gives us happiness to live on their blocks -
THANK YOU! eir deeds are above and beyond. I am totally grateful. eresa C. Lee.
e Amphitheater team would like to express their sincere appreciation to the audience participants for
leaving the grounds so clean this season. Aer we help the band set up, greet you, pass out your raffle tickets,
and enjoy the concert with you, we clean up the grounds. You have le the grounds so free of trash that we can
go home a bit earlier and happier. anks for being such a responsible and great group. Mary Christelman
Lupe - thank you so much for the setup in the RCN. I usually have to adjust the chairs
before I set up the decorations but it was PERFECT. You also got me the carts and the trash
cans. I can't tell you enough how your attention to detail is appreciated - more than you
know. ank you! Eileen Gilbert Antoine
When my neighbor Peter Jackson repaired a clogged drain pipe, I asked if I could
take him and his wife to dinner or purchase gi cards for his thoughtfulness. His
reply, "Smile. at is my thank you." Sharon Orr
Kudos! Brandon Arner is wonderful. ank you for
always being quick and eager to help. Anonymous