As I write this article there are three weeks left in the Summer Tournament.
As you read this, it is over and we're about to begin the Fall Tournament. Play
begins the week of Sept. 11. In September, we will be playing at 5, 6, and 7 pm.
That will change in October and November to 3, 4, and 5 pm. Your schedules will
reflect these times.
At this point in time, no firm decision has been made about the winning score.
Hopefully one will be made by the time you get your schedules. Opinions are
pretty well split as to playing to 16 or playing to 14. Again, your schedules will
tell you what has been decided. Any questions or comments, call Dutch at (951)
Friends of Bocce
POP Tennis, formerly known as Paddle Tennis,
is a fun, fast sport that can be enjoyed by people at
all fitness levels. Though played on a smaller court
with a different paddle and 20 percent deflated
tennis balls, POP Tennis is otherwise scored and
regulated like traditional tennis.
POP Tennis is played on the courts to the left of
the Main Clubhouse on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
and Sunday mornings from 8 to 10 am (spring/summer hours).
Additionally, there is a group that plays Tuesday and Thursday
afternoons at 3 pm and Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday evenings
from 6 to 8 pm. People are free to come and go as their
schedules permit.
All are welcome and there are always friendly folks
to teach beginners the game! Paddles and balls are
provided too. For more information or to be on a
decision-making committee, please feel free to contact
Carl Miller at (951) 512-3131.
**All regular POP players are asked to get their
$10 membership fee to Jeanne McGuire. The dues are used to plan
parties, tournaments and buy balls and paddles.
Hope you'll POP by!