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The Colony News September 2023

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8 | THE COLONY NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2023 | ACCESS CONTROL & SAFETY By Colleen Morrison, Property Management Staff Security Statistics: For July 2023, there were a total of 19,620 gate entries recorded, consisting of guests, recreational vehicles, vendors, and golfers. Nordic Security performed nine property/residence checks and issued 24 citations for stop sign violations and 51 Illegal Use of Gate Procedures. ere were 20 medical, fire, and police incidents. Nordic cited 68 residents for various parking violations, guest pass violations, and vendor violations. Nine residents were cited for putting trash cans out too early and/or not putting them away. Calls were made to 62 residents to advise them of their open garage doors. Nordic responded to 31 miscellaneous incidents related to deceased residents, dogs (barking, lost, off leash), signage (not allowed), solicitors, disorderly conduct, suspicious activity, trespassers, welfare/wellness checks, and broken/burst water lines/sprinkler systems. e committee thought we would share how our meetings are conducted. We meet the first and third Tuesday of each month to review and approve your applications. Our committee is composed of seven members of varying backgrounds, a Board liaison, and a knowledgeable office staff. All are in attendance at each meeting. Our members have been on the committee three years or more. Some were on the committee before Home Inspections were reinstated around 2016. We have rules to follow according to e Colony CC&Rs and our architectural guidelines. ese are referred to if we have questions about an application. Everyone receives a copy of the CC&Rs when purchasing a home in e Colony. is document should be read thoroughly. Annually, you receive a copy of the architectural guidelines which cover any changes or additions and inform you which home improvement projects need an application. Please review the guidelines each year. e committee is helping our community to keep the high standards. Oen our input involves saving on expenses for homeowners by catching things that could turn into costly repairs. As with all clubs and committees, we volunteer our time for you. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL By Gloria Brosky and Diane Schultz OUTREACH TO HISTORY: THE COLONY WAVE By Rita Nastri You can tell new residents in e Colony. Yes, you've seen them, looking at you like you have two heads when you drive by in your car waving vigorously. For sure, if there are two riding together, one will say questioningly to the other, "Do you know that person who just drove by?" And, certainly, the reply would be, "No, I thought you knew him/her," and so it goes. e Colony Wave is something special to the residents. We are a small community within the city of Murrieta. We have our own identity. If you've been here long enough, you might know lots of people, and then again, maybe not. e residents have always been polite and friendly. You've seen them at stop signs, where they wave you on to go before them. Well, that's not the wave I'm talking about. I'm talking about the wave across the way, or when a driver passes you (don't forget, you are facing traffic for safety reasons). It's a friendly way of saying hello, good morning, good evening, how you doing, etc. Some of the dog walkers may reply by swinging their bag of "stuff " in response, since the other hand is holding their pet. No matter, it is a friendly response which makes this whole Colony Wave so special. When I first moved here, a conversation about e Wave was included in my orientation video. I'm so into it now aer 15 years, I find myself waving at people in my sister's community in Pennsylvania when I'm out walking. It just comes naturally. We hope our new residents will feel the sense of friendship and kindness e Colony residents continue to show. Welcome — and keep waving! If you are interested in e Colony's history, even simple history like e Wave, come join Communication's Outreach to History subcommittee. Call me at 698-8640.

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